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在 2 0℃条件下 ,对真鲷进行了不同时间的饥饿处理后再投饵的恢复生长实验。饥饿 1 5d的真鲷体重下降7.0 5 % ,鱼体水分含量略有上升 ,蛋白质含量和比能值略有下降 ,脂肪含量和灰分含量没有明显改变。这表明真鲷在饥饿过程中主要消耗蛋白质作为身体的能量来源。分别给饥饿处理 0 (对照 )、3、6、9、1 2和 1 5d的真鲷投饵 ,在饱足摄食的条件下生长 2周。各饥饿处理组的鱼体生化组成及比能值均接近 ,并恢复到对照组水平。饥饿 3、6d处理组在恢复生长中的特殊生长率、摄食率显著高于对照组 ,而食物转化率与对照组无显著差异 ;饥饿9、1 2和 1 5d处理组的特殊生长率和食物转化率均显著高于对照组 ,而摄食率与对照组无显著差异。结果表明真鲷幼鱼具有超补偿生长能力 ,短期饥饿的真鲷在恢复生长中通过显著提高摄食水平来达到补偿生长 ;而继续延长饥饿时间则通过显著提高食物转化率来达到补偿生长 Under the condition of 20 ℃, the red sea bream was subjected to starvation treatment at different times before reintroduction growth experiment. The body weight of sea bream decreased by 7.05% after 15 days of starvation. The water content of the fish slightly increased, while the protein content and specific energy decreased slightly. There was no significant change in fat content and ash content. This shows that the sea bream mainly consumes protein as a source of energy for the body during starvation. Hungry were treated with 0 (control), 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days of sea bream, respectively, and fed for 2 weeks under full feeding conditions. The biochemical composition and specific energy of fish in each starvation group were similar and recovered to the control group. The special growth rate and feeding rate of starvation 3 and 6 d treatment groups were significantly higher than that of the control group, but the food conversion rate was not significantly different from that of the control group. The special growth rates of starvation 9, 12 and 15 d groups and food Conversion rate were significantly higher than the control group, while the feeding rate and the control group no significant difference. The results showed that juvenile red sea bream had overcompensated growth ability, and the short-term, starved red sea bream achieved compensatory growth by significantly increasing the feeding level during the restoration of growth; while the prolongation of the hunger time compensated for growth by significantly increasing the food conversion rate
位于德克萨斯州阿灵顿的新达拉斯牛仔体育场,耗资12亿美元,是美国坡度最陡的,屋顶可开启的体育场,其外玻璃防水用的屋面嵌缝膏和结构硅酮密封胶总长达到26 km.