
来源 :河南科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmoxx
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【正】 在草菇生产过程中,经常见到成片的小菇萎蔫死亡,现把多年来死菇原因及预防措施总结如下,供菇农参考。 1.通气不畅。草菇是高温型好气性真菌,生长发育过程需要足够的氧
AIM:To investigate whether endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) can be safely performed at small clinics,such as the Shirakawa Clinic.METHODS:One thousand fort
【正】 河南省杞县在调整种植业结构过程中,筛选出了大蒜—西瓜—辣椒—玉米一年四熟间作套种模式,此种模式效益可观。可亩产大蒜1000—1200千克、辣椒2000—3000千克、玉米
AIM:To investigated the incidence of diversion colitis(DC) and impact of DC symptoms on quality of life(QoL) after ileostomy reversal in rectal cancer.METHODS:W
AIM:This study analyzed clinical long-term outcomes after endoscopic therapy,including the incidence and treatment of relapse. METHODS:This study included 19 co
AIM:To investigate the effects of chronic obstruction on enteric reflexes evoked by electrical stimulation (EFS) or intraluminal distension of the rat hypertrop
AIM:To assess the usefulness of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) during follow-up after percutaneous ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METH
Jejunoileal diverticula are rare and generally asymptomatic.In the few cases of patients who develop complications such as diverticulitis,perforation,obstructio
【正】 脆豆腐是一种新豆制品,色泽金黄,口感筋脆,咀嚼如肉,且易于保存,可制成片、块、条、丝等各种形状,凉拌、炒、烧均可,别具风味,其加工制作如下: