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随着课改的深入进行,现代文阅读的水平越来越引起广大语文教师和学生的重视,以我市2014年中考试题为例,卷面满分为120分,其中作文50分,在70分的基础知识考核内容中,现代文阅读分值为26分,占总分值的37%,现代文阅读的重要性由此可见一斑。现代文阅读要求学生具有理解词汇、句子、段落、文章和文体的能力。如果我们教师训练方法不得当,训练内容不丰富,训练技巧不新颖,那么学生 With the deepening of curriculum reform, the level of modern reading has drawn more and more attention from the majority of Chinese teachers and students. Take the 2014 senior high school entrance examination questions in our city as an example, the full face score is 120 points, of which the composition is 50 points and the score is 70 points The basic knowledge of the examination content, modern reading reading score of 26 points, 37% of the total score, the importance of modern reading is evident. Modern reading requires that students have the ability to understand vocabulary, sentences, passages, articles, and style. If we do not train teachers, training content is not rich, training skills are not new, then students
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对学生而言,提高翻译能力十分重要。本文从词类转换,增词、减词,被动语态的翻译及限定性定语从句的翻译四个方面讨论了如何答好英语应用能力A级翻译试题(英译汉)。 It is im
The objective of this study is to summarize the pharmacological effects and the mechanisms of action of Xiao Chai Hu Tang (XCHT, Minor Bupleurum Decoction) on l