Experimental assessment of a new salt aerosol generator for measuring efficiency of automotive air f

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingbinqi
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Generation of polydisperse KCl aerosol with a new salt aerosol generator was investigated.Special attention was paid on particles with diameters between 3 and 10 μm.The main improvement consists of the different routes of KCl solution droplets.In traditional generators,the solution droplets travel through one cylinder;while in the case analyzed here,after spray atomization,the droplets travel through two cylinders in series.The first cylinder was fed with warm air and the second one with cold air.In such way,the complete evaporation of the water from the droplets can be ensured.The influencing factors of the generated aerosol size distribution were investigated.The data measured show that the concentration of generated aerosol becomes higher both increasing the flow rate of the KCl solution injected in the first cylinder and increasing the concentration in the solution.The temperature of solution influences mainly the generation of smaller KCl particles(0.3-3 μm).The amount of hot air used in the generation process increases the concentration of larger KCl particles(>3 μm) while cold air does not have the same effect.The aerosol generator is able to generate KCl aerosol stably.This instrument can be used effectively for testing air filters for automotive. Generation of polydisperse KCl aerosol with a new salt aerosol generator was investigated. Special attention was paid on particles with diameters between 3 and 10 μm. The main improvement consists of the different routes of KCl solution droplets. one cylinder; while in the case analyzed here, after spray atomization, the droplets travel through two cylinders in series. first cylinder was fed with warm air and the second one with cold air. such way, the complete evaporation of the water from the droplets can be surely influencing factors of the generated aerosol size distribution were investigated.The data measured show that the concentration of generated aerosol becomes higher both increasing the flow rate of the KCl solution injected in the first cylinder and increasing the concentration in the solution. The temperature of solution influences mainly the generation of smaller KCl particles (0.3-3 μm) r used in the generation process increases the concentration of KCl particles (> 3 μm) while cold air does not have the same effect. The aerosol generator is able to generate KCl aerosol stably. This instrument can be used effectively for testing air filters for automotive.
第七章 中原论纵横 ——河南篇  河南省位于黄河中下游,因大部分地区在黄河以南,故称河南省;又因古时豫州居九州之中部,又有中州、中原之称。河南省北、西、南有太行、伏牛、桐
目的:建立双波长HPLC同时测定金刚藤软胶囊中绿原酸、白藜芦醇、芦丁、槲皮素和山柰酚含量的方法。方法:采用Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×150 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-