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为了增强油气长输管道站场建设中高填方边坡工程的稳定性,首次引进了土体加筋技术。该技术能大大提高整个被加筋土体的抗拉性能,并改善其抗压性能,使其整体性能大为改善。采用该技术不仅能很好地解决高填方工程的稳定性问题,而且还具有造价低、工期短、施工难度小的优点。为了消化吸收这一先进技术,总结了云南成品油安宁站(其填方边坡高达30 m,是迄今为止油气管道行业中最大面积的填方工程)边坡工程中加筋技术的设计关键和加筋工程的施工关键。研究结果表明:(1)筋带布置要重点考虑筋带长短和筋带间距;(2)设计中应将回填的起始面做成反倾状,这样虽会增加一些土方量,但却可以极大地增强稳定性;(3)根据回填料中的碎石含量,碎石土的摩擦角取30°~35°是比较符合实际的;(4)每幅筋带的宽度一般为5 m,幅与幅间搭接宽度一般介于20~30 cm;(5)施工中掺拌的碎石含量应满足要求,同时要翻拌均匀;(6)设计文件中应明确压实前的摊铺厚度;(7)碾压要控制边角处及两次碾压的搭接处;(8)当一层碾压完毕后,应立即现场进行压实度检验,检验方法采用灌砂法即可。 In order to enhance the stability of high-fill side slope during the construction of long-distance pipelines in oil and gas pipelines, the soil reinforcement technology was introduced for the first time. The technology can greatly improve the tensile properties of the entire reinforced soil, and improve its compressive properties, greatly improving its overall performance. The adoption of this technology not only can well solve the stability problem of high-filling engineering, but also has the advantages of low cost, short construction period and small construction difficulty. In order to digest and absorb this advanced technology, the key points of the design of reinforcement technology in slope engineering are summarized, including Yunnan Finished Oil Quiet Station (with filling slope up to 30 m, which is the largest filling area in oil and gas pipeline industry up to now) Reinforced construction of the key. The results show that: (1) The arrangement of tendons should focus on the length of tendons and the spacing of tendons; (2) The starting surface of backfill should be made anti-tilting in design, which will increase some earthwork, Greatly enhance the stability; (3) According to the backfill gravel content, gravel soil friction angle of 30 ° ~ 35 ° is more realistic; (4) The width of each tendon is generally 5 m, (5) The content of mixed gravel in construction should meet the requirements, meanwhile, the mixture should be mixed evenly; (6) The design documents should specify the paving before compaction Thickness; (7) Rolling to control the corner and the two rolling lap; (8) When a layer of rolling is completed, the site should be carried out immediately compaction test, the test method using sand filling method .