Off-line simulation of robot welding of radar pedestal

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myoooo
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A study of the interference simulation based on robot welding of the radar pedestal was carried out by using the KUKA Sim Pro simulation software and off-line program technology. Compared with the actual robot welding process, it was found that the trajectory of the simulated robot welding process in line with that recorded in the actual welding process, and the actual limit and interference appeared at the same place as the simulation process. There was no interference phenomenon on the outside weld-seam; on the internal weld-seam, especially on the weld-joint of support plate connected to the cylinder, a phenomenon of interference appeared. It was helpful to use the simulation method to guide the actual robot welding so as to protect robot from impacting and reduce the weld defects. A study of the interference simulation based on robot welding of the radar pedestal was carried out by using the KUKA Sim Pro simulation software and off-line program technology. Compared with the actual robot welding process, it was found that the trajectory of the simulated robot welding process in line with that recorded in the actual welding process, and the actual limit and interference appeared at the same place as the simulation process. There was no interference phenomenon on the outside weld-seam; on the internal weld-seam, especially on the weld-joint of support plate connected to the cylinder, a phenomenon of interference since the welding of the robot from impacting and reducing the weld defects.
小浪底水库于 1999年 10月 2 5日下闸蓄水 ,10月 2 7日~ 11月下旬右岸 1号排水洞、左岸 2号排水洞与F2 3 6断层交汇处相继出现渗水现象。由于岩层渗透性能与勘探结果有较大差
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