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说来挺有意思,我的第一篇《应杜绝军用品外流》竟在北京军区《战友报》一版发表了。可谁能想到,我的“处女作”还是信手捡来的呢! 我刚入伍就迷上了写稿。一开始,总以为“捡到篮里都是菜”,不论事情大小,有无价值,两天一篇向报社电台投稿,谁知投了80多篇稿子却杏无音信。教导员知道我的事后,鼓励我向有经验的干事和老报道员请教。他们告诉我:“要多观察周围,从中抓出带有普遍意义的问题写,才能一碰即响!”一个星期日,我到驻地一商店买东西时无意发现,几个老百姓身着部队的作训服和新式冬装,还有戴军帽、肩章、领花的。我脑中灵光一
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This work presents the dynamical modelling of cardiac electrical activity using bidomain approach. It focuses on the effects of variation of the ionic model par
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These malaria targeting antibodies are band 3 antibodies and they recognize a special configuration of a molecule called band 3 that is present on erythrocytes.