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目的调査乐山市犍为县县城初中和农村初中学生视力情况,并分析导致近视相关因素,为做好初中生视力保护提供相关依据。方法本研究于2014年11月采取分层随机整群抽样调査方法抽取乐山市犍为县初中学生,采取国际标准视力表对学生进行视力筛査,并采用采用统一的问卷调査对学生的基本情况、学习情况、生活情况进行调査,分析导致近视相关因素。结果本次调査纳入的4 818名学生,共检出视力低下1 927名脸出率40.0%,包括轻度低下684例、中度低下599例、高度低下644例,占比分别为14.2%、12.4%、13.4%。城市和农村的视力低下检出率均随着年级的递增也逐渐增大(χ_(城市)~2=112.61、χ_(农村)~2=29.68,均P<0.05),且城市学生的视力低下检出率高于农村(χ~2=44.57,P<0.05)。单因素分析显示性别、年级、家庭成员近视情况、读写姿势、课业负担、看电脑/电视时间、室外活动时间、睡眠时间及偏食均能影响视力低下的发病率。结论乐山市犍为县县城和农村初中学生视力低常人数检出率较高,且城市学生的情况较农村更为严重,根据可能导致视力低下的影响因素进行针对性预防是改善学生视力状况的必要措施。 Objective To investigate the visual acuity of middle school and rural junior high school students in Qiongwei County, Leshan, and to analyze the related factors that lead to myopia, so as to provide the relevant evidence for the good eyesight protection of junior high school students. Methods In November 2014, this study adopted a stratified randomized cluster sampling method to select junior high school students in Qiaoxian County of Leshan City. The students ’visual acuity screening was carried out using the international standard chart, and the students’ basic information Circumstances, learning conditions, life conditions to investigate and analyze the factors that cause myopia. Results A total of 4 818 students enrolled in this survey were found to have low visual acuity of 1 927 with a rate of 40.0%, including 684 cases of mild low grade, 599 cases of moderate low grade and 644 cases of low grade, accounting for 14.2% , 12.4%, 13.4%. The detection rate of poor eyesight in urban and rural areas also increased with the increasing grade (χ_ (city) ~ 2 = 112.61, χ_ (rural) ~ 2 = 29.68, all P <0.05) The detection rate was higher than that in rural areas (χ ~ 2 = 44.57, P <0.05). Univariate analysis revealed that gender, grade, family members’ myopia, reading and writing posture, schoolwork burden, watching computer / TV time, outdoor activity time, sleeping time and partial eclipse all can affect the incidence of vision loss. Conclusions The detection rate of low visual acuity is very high in the county and rural junior high school students in Leshan, and the situation of urban students is more serious than that in rural areas. Targeted prevention according to the factors that may cause low vision is necessary to improve the students’ visual acuity Measures.
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