Diversity, regeneration status and population structure of gum- and resin-bearing woody species in s

来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charse
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South Omo Administrative Zone in Ethiopia is home to 18 indigenous ethnic groups whose livelihood is vulnerable due to recurrent drought and degradation. Despite the preliminary observation showing the rich dry-forest resource base that, if sustainably managed could enhance livelihoods and biodiversity conservation, there is lack of empirical data on its current status. We conducted a study aiming at quantifying the population status of gum- and resin-bearing species in two randomly selected districts, Hamer and Bena-Tsemay. Seventy-five quadrats (35 at Hamer and 40 at Bena-Tsemay) each measuring 400 m2 were established along line transects to assess species diversity and equitability, density, frequency, dominance, importance value and population structure. We recorded a total of 27 woody species of 12 families and 14 genera. Fifteen species (9 at Hamer and 14 at Bena-Tsemay) of the genera Acacia, Boswellia, Commiphora and Sterculia, were identified as either major sources of commercial gums and resins or their adulterants. Gum-and resin-bearing species comprised 56%and 57%of species richness, 48%and 50%of total density per ha, 95%and 98%of basal area, and 64%and 56%of importance values at Hamer and Bena-Tsemay, respectively. Diversity of the entire woody species assemblage and of the gum- and resin-bearing species was slightly higher at Bena-Tsemay (H=2.61, 1.4) than at Hamer (H′=2.48, 1.28), respectively. The diversity and abundance of the resource base suggest potential for development of value-added commercialization of gum and resins to enhance livelihoods and encourage sustainable management of the forest at these study areas. We recorded, however, declining natural regeneration of most gum- and resin-bearing species, and this calls for integrated and participatory species management and landscape rehabilitation.
产后大出血死亡率较高 ,传统保守治疗成功率低 ,手术治疗创伤大并发症多 ,而且永久丧失生育能力。经皮穿刺超选择动脉插管栓塞 ,为治疗产后大出血开辟了一条新途径。本组报道
随着我国经济建设的发展和人民物质文化生活水平的日益提高,我国木材消费量逐年递增,1996年为11240.7万 m~3,2000年约为14000万m~3,据专家估计,到2010年这一数字将高达24000
We investigated the floristic composition, woody species diversity and spatial distribution of trees in a tropical wet evergreen forest in Kaptai national park
近年来 ,经皮穿刺引流术治疗肝脓肿 ,疗效明显[1] 。由于肝脓肿在不同病理阶段的发展演变及检查的时机不同 ,其CT表现不一。进一步认识这些表现 ,对经皮穿刺引流术的合理运用
肱骨髁上骨折是儿童常见骨折,如处理不当,易发生神经血管并发症,后遗肘关节内翻畸形及活动障碍,现将我科自1994年2月至2010年4月收治的109例患者情况总结报告如下。 Supraco