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11月16日,由上海世界华人收藏家大会组委会和第一财经传媒有限公司联合主办的“2011上海收藏论坛”在上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店召开。围绕新形势下艺术品收藏投资的主题,近二十位来自海内外的著名收藏家、艺术品机构负责人和专家学者在论坛上演讲,发表了各自的研究成果和收藏心得,并提出了一些新见解、新观点,引起了两百多位与会收藏家、企业家、艺术品收藏投资者的极大兴趣。 On November 16, “2011 Shanghai Collection Forum” co-sponsored by Shanghai World Chinese Collector’s Organizing Committee and First Financial Media Co., Ltd. was held in Shanghai Humei-Himalayas Hotel. Around the theme of investment in art collection in the new situation, nearly 20 famous collectors from home and abroad, heads of art agencies and experts and scholars addressed the forum and delivered their own research results and collection experiences, and put forward some New opinions and new ideas have aroused great interest of over 200 collectors, entrepreneurs and art collectors.
2002年12月18日,公关专业性网站“公关天地”在古老的中原开通。河南省哲学社会科学“十五”规划研究项目,“网络文化与精神 December 18, 2002, public relations profess
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本文在分析“有效教学”理念的基础上,概括了有效教学的基本特征,探讨了大学英语有效教学的缺失,并提出了实现大学英语有效教学的策略及途径。 Based on the analysis of th
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我们不能“不惜一切代价来防止非典传播”,而必须计及成本效果,并由此来选择哪些措施应该优先考虑。 ——茅于轼 We can not “prevent the spread of SARS at all costs,