
来源 :中国铁路文艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nkivy
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(一)水墨画相传源于唐代;成于五代、盛于宋元,明清及近代以来多有新的继承和发展。千百年来它以笔法为主导,充分发挥墨法的功能神韵,逐渐形成了独具风格、日臻完善的笔墨语言体系,在中国传统文化中占有独特的重要地位。“五四”新文化运动以来,水墨画至上的局面被打破,水墨语言受到了思想观念和新方法的挑战。当时为了区别于西方绘画,人们把水墨画称为中国画或国画。 (A) Ink and Wash Pictures from the Tang Dynasty; into the Five Dynasties, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern since the new inheritance and development. For thousands of years it has taken the style of writing as its lead, giving full play to the function and charm of Mo Fa and gradually formed a unique and progressive pen and ink language system that occupies a unique and important position in Chinese traditional culture. Since the “May 4th Movement”, the situation of ink painting is supremely broken, and the language of ink and wash has been challenged by the ideas and new methods. At that time, in order to distinguish them from Western paintings, people referred to ink painting as Chinese painting or Chinese painting.
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皮肤干燥性瘙痒 防治办法是经常沐浴,养成睡前洗澡或热浴下肢的好习惯;浴后或定时揉搓皮肤,改善皮肤血运营养,减缓退变;避免搔抓,尤其不能用“痒痒挠”过度搔耙。在日常生活