
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bood
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目的为尺动脉腕上皮支下行支皮支链岛状皮瓣修复前臂和手指缺损提供解剖学基础。方法 12侧肘关节以上部位截肢的上肢新鲜标本,10侧采用乳胶灌注肱动脉,2侧用乙酸乙酯和塑料灌注肱动脉制作铸型标本,解剖观测尺动脉腕上皮支下行支皮支的起始、走行、分布和吻合情况,并对其外径进行测量。结果以尺骨茎突尖端到手背尺侧第5掌指关节部位作为一个单位长度。尺动脉腕上皮支下行支发出的远段皮支2.3支,远段皮支血管聚集点约在第5掌骨颈部,到第5掌指关节的距离占总单位长度的(18.2±7.0)%;近段皮支4.4支,近段皮支血管聚集点约在第5掌骨基底部,到第5掌指关节的距离占总单位长度的(66.4±16.7)%。尺动脉腕上皮支下行支皮支在桡尺侧的分布无显著性差异。尺动脉腕上皮支下行支皮支在手背尺侧浅筋膜内相互吻合,形成与尺动脉腕上皮支下行支相平行的皮支链,并营养相应的皮肤。结论尺动脉腕上皮支下行支皮支链岛状皮瓣可用于修复手指或前臂较小的皮肤缺损,而且不损伤其主干血管。 Objective To provide the anatomical basis for the repair of the forearm and finger defects by the descending branches of the branch of the ulnar artery of the ulnar artery. Methods 12 cases of amputation of upper limbs above the elbow of the fresh specimens, 10 sides of the brachial artery perfusion, 2 sides of the brachial artery with ethyl acetate and plastic infusion of cast specimens, anatomical observation of the descending branch of the ulnar artery branch of the ulnar artery Start, walk, distribution and anastomosis, and its outer diameter measurements. Results The ulnar styloid process to the dorsal ulnar 5th metacarpophalangeal joint as a unit length. In the distal branch of the ulnar artery of the ulnar artery, 2.3 distal branches were found, and the distance between the distal metacarpopular branches and the 5th metacarpal joint was about 18.2 ± 7.0% ; The proximal dermoid branch was 4.4, and the proximal lesion was located at the base of the 5th metacarpal. The distance from the 5th metacarpophalangeal joint was (66.4 ± 16.7)% of the total unit length. There was no significant difference in the distribution of descending branch branches of ulnar artery on the ulnar ulnar side. The descending branch branches of the ulnar artery of the ulnar artery are anastomosed to each other in the superficial fascia of the dorsal surface of the ulnar artery to form a dermal branch parallel to the descending branches of the ulnar artery of the ulnar artery and nourish the corresponding skin. Conclusions The descending branches of the branch of the ulnar artery of the ulnar artery can be used to repair small skin defects of the fingers or forearms without damaging the main blood vessels.
近日,国家发改委下发文件,晨鸣集团“锅炉烟气热回收改造项目”、“电机系统节能技术改造项目”获国家节能改造奖励920万元。 Recently, the State Development and Reform
初秋的一天黄昏,我跟兰姨约好在她家楼下见面。我赶到后没见到她,便站在绿影婆娑的大树下等候。我手里拿着一本书,说是来还书的,其实还因她外出旅游刚回来,相邀出来散散步,顺便听她讲讲一路上的见闻。  片刻后,兰姨从楼上下来。她身材略显福态,穿一件湖蓝色针织衫,配淡墨色长裤,头发绾成髻盘在脑后,显得闲适又不失优雅。我迎上前去,两人谈笑着向外走去。  路上她遇到一位熟人,上前打招呼的间隙,对那人介绍说:“这
周康,字,丞若,号,静水,笔名,暮雨。1994年6月25日出生,安徽霍山人,霍山中学高二(15)班学生。他的爱好且最大爱好是:古典诗词。一个与众不同的学生,一些与众不同的作品。  三国赋  风云湮没,千起群豪。当年气势,化作人道歌泣泪,垂青史墨。重闻烽火,论谁对错。传奸诵义,后人小说。分分合合,是是非非,转首望去。一场戏落!  目送归鸿,沧海尽成空,苍茫一望,浮云叠。万里中天,山色远。隐迢迢处,雁