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目的:了解2008-2011年内蒙古自治区风疹流行病学特征,为风疹疫情的防控提供科学依据.方法:通过《中国疾病预防控制信息报告管理系统》中风疹疫情资料,对2008-2011年全区风疹资料进行流行病学分析.结果:2008-2011年共报告风疹病例4491例,发病率4.6/10万.风疹发病有明显的季节性,主要集中在4~6月份.发病以10~20岁为高发年龄组,主要集中在学生及青少年.全区各盟市均有病例报告,阿拉善盟和呼伦贝尔市报告发病率较高.结论:风疹的发病有明显季节性,地区、性别、年龄差异,重点控制青少年学生发病.实施含有风疹类疫苗接种是控制风疹流行有效的措施,提高风疹、麻风和麻风腮疫苗接种率,加强对未接种疫苗的儿童和青少年查漏补种工作,防止风疹的暴发流行和先天性风疹综合症的发生.“,”Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of rubela in Inner Mongolia 2008-2011?Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on the incidence data of rubela in 2008-2011 obtained from national disease reporting information system. Results The disease distributed widely with cases reporting in 12 cities. A rubela epidemic happened in 2008-2011 with 4491 reported cases. The incidence rate of reported rubela cases was 4.6/100 000.This was a distinct characteristic of seasonal difference, with peak in March through July each year.Rubela cases mostly affected students aged 10-20 years old. The region of the cities reported cases generaly the higher rates were in Alashan League and Hulunbeier City. Conclusion The incidence of rubela has significant difference in season, region, sex and age. It is necessary to strengthen prevention and control of the disease in adolescent. The main effective measures to control the outbreak of rubela lie in rubela vaccination. We should strengthen to the vaccination of the child and the adolescent, raise the coverage of rubela vaccination, prevent the rubela to explode and the congenital rubela syndrome occurrence.
肺癌是肺部最常见的原发性恶性肿瘤,近10 a来,各国肺癌的发病率和病死率亦快速增加,肺癌占男性各类恶性肿瘤发病率和病死率首位,占女性发病率第2位,病死率首位.为了做到早诊
Objective To evaluate the effect of simple method and the composite method of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in establishment of rabbit model of hepatic fibrosis.