Diagnostic imaging:Morphological and eruptive disturbances in the permanent teeth

来源 :World Journal of Stomatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kellyfly
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This paper reviewed the literature on newer threedimensional imaging techniques and their applications in diagnosis and treatment planning of various dental anomalies. Developmental anomalies can occur during any of the developmental stages and are manifested clinically after the tooth is fully formed. These dental anomalies may involve a single tooth, a group of teeth, or the entire dentition. Two-dimensional diagnosticimaging, including periapical, occlusal, panoramic, or cephalometric radiographs are essential in localization and management of morphological and eruptive disorders. However, due to their inherent limitations such as insufficient precision because of unusual projection errors and lack of information about spatial relationships, these methods are considered unreliable. Thus, the use of newer image acquisition techniques that allow comprehensive three dimensional imaging and visualization of dental abnormalities is highly recommended for making a confirmatory diagnosis. The significance of accurate endodontic, surgical and orthodontic treatment planning in dental abnormalities cannot be overstated as it pertains to critical anatomic landmarks such as proximity to adjacent teeth or the mandibular canal. The precise information on spatial relationships provided by multiplanar imaging helps the dental surgeon to establish more accurate diagnosis, management strategies and also increases the patient safety. This review highlights the use of high-end diagnostic imaging modalities in diagnosis of the various morphologic and eruptive dental abnormalities. This paper reviewed the literature on newer threedimensional imaging techniques and their applications in diagnosis and treatment planning of various dental anomalies. Developmental anomalies can occur during any of the developmental stages and are manifested clinically after the tooth is fully formed. These dental anomalies may involve a single tooth, a group of teeth, or the entire dentition. Two-dimensional diagnostic imaging, including periapical, occlusal, panoramic, or cephalometric radiographs are essential in localization and management of morphological and eruptive disorders. However, due to their own limitations such as insufficient precision of of unusual projection errors and lack of information about spatial relationships, these methods are considered unreliable. Thus, the use of newer image acquisition techniques that allow comprehensive three dimensional imaging and visualization of dental abnormalities is highly recommended for making a confirmatory diagnosis. The significance of accurate endodontic, surgical and orthodontic treatment planning in dental abnormalities can not be overstated as it ass proximity to adjacent teeth or the mandibular canal. The precise information on spatial relationships provided by multiplanar imaging helps the dental surgeon to establish more accurate diagnosis, management strategies and also increase the patient safety. This review highlights the use of high-end diagnostic imaging modalities in diagnosis of the various morphologic and eruptive dental abnormalities.
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