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上海市副市长华建敏在分管档案工作不久,于1995年5月11日到上海市档案局馆检查工作。华副市长饶有兴味地参观了计算机房、档案库房和总控制室,并听取了市档案局领导的工作汇报,然后在局馆处级以上干部会议上作了重要讲话。 华建敏副市长说,一个国家、一个民族要有一种历史感,对古往今来有一种历史的思考。这是一个民族成熟的标志。历史上有位学者说过,要晓得未来向哪儿去,必须懂得过去是从哪里来的。把握未来首先要了解历史。譬如,我们要规划从1995年到2010年上海的发展,就要深刻地理解1980年到1995年我们中国的改革开放是怎么过来的,上海在这15年里做的事,哪些是对的,哪些是需要改进的。他说,最近上海在搞长远规划,规划的第一个问题是要深刻地总结过去的15年,这样才能规划好未来的15年。而要做好这件事情,利用档案是一个重要的方面,因为史料是有权威性的。所以,我们要动员全社会来加强档案工作,提高对档案工作的认识,特别是各级领导干部要有档案意识,要有档案的法律意识,依法抓档案工作。这是一种社会责任,也是一种法律责任。 Hua Jianmin, vice mayor of Shanghai, was in charge of archives shortly before he went to Shanghai Archives Bureau for inspection on May 11, 1995. Vice Mayor Hua paid a visit to the computer room, archives and general control room, and listened to the work report of the Municipal Archives Bureau, and made an important speech at the cadres’ meeting above the bureau level. Vice Mayor Hua Jianmin said that there must be a sense of history in a country and a nation and there should be a historical consideration of the past and present. This is a symbol of national maturity. Historically, some scholars have said that to know where the future will go, we must understand where the past came from. To grasp the future, we must first understand history. For example, if we want to plan the development of Shanghai from 1995 to 2010, we must profoundly understand how our reform and opening up took place in China from 1980 to 1995, and what is right and what is right in Shanghai in the past 15 years. What needs to be improved. He said that the first issue in Shanghai’s long-term planning and planning recently is to profoundly sum up the past 15 years in order to plan for the next 15 years. To do this well, the use of archives is an important aspect because historical materials are authoritative. Therefore, we must mobilize the whole society to strengthen archives work and raise awareness of archival work. In particular, leading cadres at all levels should have a sense of archives, a legal awareness of archives and a record of files in accordance with the law. This is a social responsibility, but also a legal responsibility.
一、“重新发挥‘总档案室’职能”之建议不可取。 《上海档案工作》1994年第三期发表的《对县级档案馆工作改革问题的探讨》一文中,所提出的“由县档案馆重新承担起县直机
《机械电子档案》1994年第6期、1995年第1期刊载了几位同志对 GB9705—88“改进”“修改”的“意见”。作者在钻研问题时,表现了档案工作者认真细致、务实求真的可贵作风,令
今年3月31日,是民进江苏省级组织成立50周年的大喜日子,江苏民进迎来了五十华诞。 March 31 this year, is the people’s progress into the 50th anniversary of the esta