
来源 :肿瘤防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:debug_core
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目的 :研究肝癌瘤内单纯注射32 P胶体和先注射聚合白蛋白 (MAA) ,再注射32 P胶体两种不同给药方法的32 P在瘤外组织器官的动态分布 ,探讨不同剂量MAA的阻滞效果及MAA颗粒数量和32 P胶体应用剂量的相关关系。方法 :在Balb/c小鼠右侧胸前皮下接种H2 2 肝癌细胞 ,10d后接种部位长出直径约 1cm的肿瘤。随机将其分为 4组 :第 1组单纯注射32 P胶体 1 85MBq ;第 2组先注射 1× 10 4 颗粒MAA ,再注射32 P胶体 1 85MBq ;第 3组先注射 1× 10 5颗粒MAA ,再注射32 P胶体 1 85MBq ;第 4组先注射 1× 10 5颗粒MAA ,再注射32 P胶体 18 5MBq。注射后 2 4h、第 8天和第 16天时各组分别处死小鼠 ,测定心、肝、肾、脾、肺和骨骼的放射性。结果 :瘤内注射32 P胶体时 ,32 P可向全身其他器官扩散 ;当向肿瘤内注射的32 P胶体剂量相同时 ,预先注入 1× 10 4 颗粒MAA和 1× 10 5颗粒MAA的两组小鼠 ,其体内32 P的分布均比未注射MAA的一组小鼠要少 ,其中 1× 10 5颗粒MAA组的小鼠 ,32 P体内分布又比 1× 10 4 颗粒MAA组少 ;当预先注入的MAA颗粒数量相同时 ,注射的32 P胶体剂量增大 ,体内分布也随之增加。结论 :与单纯瘤内注射32 P胶体相比 ,先在瘤内注入MAA ,再注入32 P胶体 ,MAA可以有效阻止32 P胶体的全身扩散 ,使32 P胶体能够较 OBJECTIVE: To study the dynamic distribution of 32 P in tumor tissue and organs after injection of 32 P colloid and first injection of polymeric albumin (MAA) in 32 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma and 32 P colloid injection. Hysteresis effect and the correlation between the amount of MAA particles and the dose of 32 P colloid applied. Methods: H2 2 liver cancer cells were inoculated subcutaneously on the right chest of Balb/c mice. After 10 days, tumors with a diameter of about 1 cm were grown on the inoculated site. They were randomly divided into 4 groups: the first group was injected with 32 P colloids in 32 P; the second group was injected with 1 X 10 4 particles of MAA, followed by 32 P colloids with 185 MBq; the third group was injected with 1 X 10 5 particles of MAA. The injection of 32 P colloidal 185MBq; group 4 first injection of 1 × 10 5 particles of MAA, then injection of 32 P colloidal 18 5MBq. At 24 h, 8 d, and 16 d after injection, mice were sacrificed in each group to measure the radioactivity of heart, liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, and bones. RESULTS: Intratumoral injection of 32 P colloids allowed 32 P to spread to other organs throughout the body; when the dose of 32 P colloid injected into the tumor was the same, 1 X 10 4 particles of MAA and 1 X 10 5 particles of MAA were injected in advance. In mice, the distribution of 32 P in the mice was less than that of mice in which MAA was not injected, and the distribution of 32 P in mice with 1×10 5 particles of MAA was less than that of 1×10 4 particles in MAA; When the amount of pre-injected MAA particles is the same, the injected 32 P colloid dose increases and the body distribution also increases. Conclusion : Compared with the intratumoral injection of 32P colloid, MAA was injected into the tumor first, and then 32P colloid was injected. MAA can effectively prevent the systemic diffusion of colloidal 32P, and the 32P colloid can be compared.
一滴泪落下,到底得多久,我真的不知道,我只知道,母亲滴下那颗泪,用了整整二十年。  母亲出生贫寒,姊妹很多,为了让生活能好些,她千里迢迢嫁给了远在新疆农场做活的父亲,但生活却并没料想的那般好,一样过着紧衣缩食的苦日子。随着哥哥和我的相继出生,家里的生活更是艰难了。我刚满月时,母亲发现我对光线反应特别迟缓,眼球上长了一层浑浊的厚白膜。焦急的母亲领我到医院仔细检查,医生告知这是重性的白内障,属于先天性