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近日偶然翻阅过去剪辑的资料,见到开清代康乾一代盛世的康熙皇帝一段有关读书的话,他说,读书识字“成人功名,佐人事业,开人识见,为人凭据,不思而得,不言而喻.”可见,一个人要成就一番事业,建功立名,必定要借助古今中外的书藉,所谓“积学以储宝,酌理以富才”.凡人立身处世,皆须读书,企业家创建公司、开办工厂自然也要读书,这毫无疑义.问题是作为企业家该读些什么书呢?我国有数干年悠久历史,文章典籍,浩如烟海,但是有关领导论的书是一大主流、《论语》、《孟子》、《老子》、《孙子》、《贞观政要》等便是其中的杰出代表,千古流传.北宋名臣赵普曾策划陈桥兵变,辅助赵匡胤夺取天下,在太宗时又两度为相,居功至伟,但此人少时为吏,读书不 Recently, I accidentally read the clips of the past and saw a section of the Kangxi emperor who celebrated the prosperity of the Kangxi generation in the Qing Dynasty. He said that reading literacy “admiration for adults, careers for others, people’s knowledge, and people’s credentials are not worth considering.” It goes without saying. “It can be seen that if a person wants to accomplish something and establish his name, he must use the books of ancient and modern China and foreign countries. The so-called ”accumulate science to save treasures and use discretion to take advantage of talents." It is no doubt that entrepreneurs create companies and set up factories to read books. It is no doubt that the question is what books should be read as entrepreneurs. There are many years of history in our country, and there are many books and books, but there are many books on leadership theory. The main stream, the Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu, Sun Zi, and Zheng Zheng Politics are outstanding representatives among them. Zhao Pu, who is a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty, planned the mutiny of Chen Qiao and assisted Zhao Hao in taking over the world. When Taizong was twice in phase, his merit was outstanding.
通过试验並根据正交试验法对K、k的计算结果表明,在介质温度方面,以130/70℃为最佳,190/130℃次之,160/100℃最差。 The results of K and K calculated by the orthogonal
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八秩华诞,欢声震霄,颂歌如潮。看巨龙腾飞,雄姿勃发;兴国富民,党恩浩浩。中流砥柱,英明领导,运筹帷幄江山娇。喜今朝,建市场经济,建国金桥。 Eight rank birthday, shout X
这座城堡遭到了一次围攻,炮弹将城墙轰塌了。数数看,城墙上一共缺了几块石砖?  注意:城墙下面散落的石砖数并不是城墙上实际缺少的石砖数。