
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yulong19841001
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我院有一对古稀伉俪,在家中养了两盆铁树,已经6年了,其中一盆于今年5月开了花。这两盆铁树是女儿为孝敬二老在6年前买的.因盆大、量重、搬动困难,很少挪动地方。前4年放在南向阳台上,较少见阳光,后2年放在北向客厅内,一点阳光也见不到了。可今年春节它竟出现花蕾,发育3个多月后,于五一前后开了花(见图)。铁树开花比较困难,一般说来,从幼苗开始需十年或几十年才能放花。而这两盆苏铁管理粗放,6年来没有换过盆土,只浇自来水(我院自打深井,水中未加氯),也从未施肥,竟然开花了。看来铁树开花并不像传说的那样困难。 In our hospital there is a pair of ancient thin and nostalgic couples, who have raised two potted iron trees at home for six years, and one of the pots bloomed in May this year. These two potted trees are the daughters who were honored by the elders six years ago, and they rarely moved because of the large pots, heavy weights and moving difficulties. On the first four years on the balcony to the south, less common in the sun, after 2 years on the North to the living room, a little sunlight can not see. May this year, the Spring Festival it actually appeared buds, after more than three months of development, opened before 51 flowers (see photo). Tieshin flowering more difficult, in general, from seedlings began to take decades or decades to put flowers. The extensive management of these two pots of cyclamen has not changed basin soil in the past six years. Only running tap water (deep in our hospital and no chlorine in the water) has never fertilized and even bloomed. It seems iron tree blossom is not as legendary as difficult.
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According to my observation of the pre-vious Olymplc Gallies,the significance of hosting an Olymoiad lies mainly in its Polit-ical function,
<正> 紫硫镍铁矿(Violarite)是一种少见的富镍矿物。1888年首由克拉克(F.W.Clarke)与凯蒂里(Charles Catlett)二人在加拿大肖特贝里(Sudbury 的佛米良(Vermilion)铜镍矿中发现。他们
面对当前企业党组织地位和作用弱化、组织教育活动虚化、党员先锋意识淡化,以及低油价形势带来的严峻挑战,新疆油田公司实验检测研究院着重加强基层党组织的建设工作,在基层党建工作方面做了一些积极的探索与实践。  不忘初心 以上率下  学习教育让党建强起来  习近平总书记指出,加强党的建设,首要任务是加强思想政治建设,关键是教育管理好党员、干部。党的十八大以来,中国共产党先后开展了党的群众路线教育实践活动、