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在设计有多种主、次梁交叉的现浇楼、屋盖时,设计人员往往在设计和绘制主梁配筋图中,对板及次梁在主梁的位置仅以涂黑表示,考虑的主梁高度为板顶至梁底(T型截面);设计和绘制次梁配筋图时,主梁和板也仅以涂黑和作为支座的尺寸线表示,考虑的次梁高度为板顶至次梁底(T型截面),见图1所示。设计和绘制现浇板配筋图时,主、次梁作为支座也是以尺寸线表示。这样,施工人员在施工现浇楼、屋盖时,往往会因主梁、次梁、板的负筋的相互位置而感到困惑。不是板超 In the design of cast-in-situ buildings and roofs with a variety of primary and secondary beams crossings, designers often display the main beam configuration in the design and drawing of the main beam reinforcement drawing. The height of the main girders is from the top of the slab to the bottom of the girder (T-section); when designing and plotting the secondary beam reinforcements, the main girders and slabs are also represented only by the black lines and the dimension lines used as the bearings. The considered secondary beam height is From the top of the slab to the bottom of the secondary beam (T-section), see Figure 1. When designing and plotting cast-in-situ slab reinforcement diagrams, the main and secondary beams are also referred to as dimension lines. In this way, when construction workers are constructing cast-in-place buildings and roofs, they are often confused by the mutual position of the main beams, secondary beams, and negative reinforcements of the plates. Not board super
我叫杲守玲。这个名字除了填个表或写个证明什么的,我很少用,再加上我的姓很少见,于是名字也就很少被人叫了。诗经中有这样一句“杲杲为日出之容”;说文解 My name is 杲 守
在若干次的忍耐之后,我终于大发雷霆,将李传智拎到了办公室。这个家伙真的让我无计可施:批评了,鼓励了,说理了,也惩罚了, After several patience, I finally furious, Lee
校园环境园林化,为全校师生员工创造一个优美的可居、可游和可赏的高质量校园环境,这是华东师大建校40余年来所追崇的同标。 1 高起点的校园绿地规划 华东师大筹建于1951年,
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摘要:初中生具有好奇、好动、好问等心理特点,如果在教学中掌握他们的这些心理特点,不断激发、强化他们的学习兴趣,并引导他们逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,因势利导地组织教学,那么,对于提高物理教学质量将具有极大的帮助。  关键词:好奇;好动;好问;兴趣;教学质量    教育心理学认为,学生的学才是决定学习结果的直接因素,教材、媒体等外部条件虽然重要,但都是间接因素。中学生的心理主要具有好奇、好动和好
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