“中国舞蹈十二天”访谈 扶上马送一程——来自中国舞蹈家协会的一份承诺与支持

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《舞蹈》:中国舞协近些年的工作思路之一,是对新生代舞蹈编导的大力扶持与关注,并通过一系列项目得以实施。这次的“中国舞蹈十二天”是否也是出于这样的考虑呢?冯双白:中国舞协支持“中国舞蹈十二天”项目,主要基于三点考虑。首先,支持新的艺术家。关注新一代的舞蹈人才,大力扶植青年编导、表演人才是中国舞协近两年一直在着手推动的事情。我们一直在高度关注未来十年、二十年之内将对中国舞蹈进程产生影响的具体人物,并在力所能及的条件下给这些人支 “Dance”: One of the working ideas of the China Dance Association in recent years is to give strong support and attention to the director of the new generation of dance and to implement it through a series of projects. This is the “Chinese dance twelve days” is also out of this consideration? Feng Shuangbai: China Dance Association support “Chinese dance twelve days ” project, mainly based on three considerations. First, support new artists. Concerned about the new generation of dance talents, and energetically fostering young directors and performing talents are the things that the China Dancer Association has been promoting in recent years. We have been keeping a close watch on the specific figures that will affect the process of Chinese dance in the next 10 or 20 years and give these people as much as we can
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