
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chao_huang
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The MSC1210 intelligent controller with features of high reliability and adaptability[1],has been used to power supply control system of HIRFL since March,2003[2],and field application has proved the module is satisfy with the requirements of power supply in BL1,BL2,BLN and CSRm’s injection beam line. However relative researchers revealed that the controllers’ analog output is not sensitive to slight variation of set value when DAC step value(grad)is large The MSC1210 intelligent controller with features of high reliability and adaptability [1], has been used to power supply control system of HIRFL since March, 2003 [2], and field application has proved the module is satisfy with the requirements of power supply in BL1 , BL2, BLN and CSRm’s injection beam line. However relative resear was that that controllers’ analog output is not sensitive to slight variation of set value when DAC step value (grad) is large
圆冠榆为榆科榆属的植物。又名圆叶榆,原产俄罗斯,我国新疆伊犁等地曾引种,落叶乔木,树冠球形,树皮灰色,纵裂,小枝较粗且分枝较多。叶卵形,花期3月初,果期4-5月,很 Round el
简单介绍了手工编写三维图形中变量的应用及设计思路,并在同一零件加工中与CAM软件加工做以对比。将手工编程加以拓展来补充CAM软件后置加工之漏洞。 Briefly introduced th
The MSC1210 intelligent controller has been used to power supply control system of BL1, BL2, BLN and CSRm’s injection beam line in HIRFL since March, 2003[1].
Most of the electrical energy is transformed into heat during the operations of the technology devices. To reduce the deformations of the equipment caused by ov