Interleukin-10 concentration-dependently impairs the biophysical characteristics and motility of mat

来源 :医用生物力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stieyin
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Tumor microenvironment is composed of the tumor cells,stromal cells,microvascular tissue fluid,constitute small amount of infiltrating cells and cytokines.In recent years,more and more evidence that tumor microenvironment play an important role in tumorigenesis.Tumor cells,immune cells and other mesenchymal cells interact and create an immunosuppressive microenvironment through a variety of immunosuppressive factors which vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),transformed growth factor-β_1(TGF-β_1)and interleukin-10(IL-10)),which suppress immunology functions and promote tumor cells to escape immune surveillance,ultimately leading to tumor growth and metastasis.Dendritic cells(DCs),the most potent antigen presenting cell as now known,play a key role in the anti-tumor immune process.The pre- Tumor microenvironment is composed of the tumor cells, stromal cells, microvascular tissue fluid, constitute small amount of infiltrating cells and cytokines.In recent years, more and more evidence that tumor microenvironment play an important role in tumorigenesis. Tumor cells, immune cells and other mesenchymal cells interact and create an immunosuppressive microenvironment through a variety of immunosuppressive factors which vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transformed growth factor-β_1 (TGF-β_1) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) ultimately leading to tumor growth and metastasis. Dendritic cells (DCs), the most potent antigen presenting cell as now known, play a key role in the anti-tumor immune process. The pre-
银中杨(Populus alba×P.borolinensis.Dipple)是以熊岳的银白杨为母本以当地的中东杨为父本,经人工杂交选择育成。系属白杨派与黑杨派派间杂种。自1978年以来,在我省、吉林
<正> 把戏剧作为宣传 1917年2月25日在彼得格勒的沙皇统治政权被迫最后面对一群饥饿厌战的无产阶级,并且随之而来的是这场革命的第一阵枪声。那天晚上帝国亚历山大林斯基剧院