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香港消息,香港出口商会会长兼香港毛织出口厂商会会长林宣武认为,祖国大陆削减棉纱、棉布的关税有利于在祖国大陆设厂的港商使用进口棉纱、棉布,因此对港商来讲是一个好消息。一些业内人士指出,由于目前祖国大陆厂家多使用本地的纺织原料,此次减税的影响并不大。林宣武指出,目前香港纺织厂家在祖国大陆从事纺织生产多为中小型的厂家,多以来料加工的形式进行生产,而目前祖国大陆对来料加工所进口的原料不征收关税,因而此次降低关税对他们影响不大。祖国大陆国有纺织企业和在中国设厂的外商, According to Hong Kong sources, Chairman of the Hong Kong Exporters’ Association and Chairman of the Hong Kong Maozhi Export Manufacturers Association, Lin Xuanwu, believes that the mainland’s tariff cuts on cotton yarn and cotton are conducive to the use of imported cotton yarn and cotton cloth by Hong Kong companies that set up factories in the motherland. It is good news. Some industry sources pointed out that due to the current use of local textile raw materials by mainland Chinese manufacturers, the impact of this tax reduction is not significant. Lin Xuanwu pointed out that at present, Hong Kong’s textile manufacturers are mostly small and medium-sized manufacturers engaged in textile production on the mainland of the motherland. They have been processing materials for many years. However, at present, the motherland does not levy tariffs on raw materials imported from processing materials, so this time it has decreased. Tariffs have little effect on them. The Chinese mainland’s state-owned textile enterprises and foreign companies that set up factories in China
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一、检验情况 1997年,山东商检局共检验进出口商品159977批,总货值为103.66亿美元,同比分别增长16.06%和22.59%。其中检验出口商品140549批,货值为52.72亿美元,同比分别增长11
据报道,俄罗斯针织工业薄弱,加上目前经济不景气,致使该国针织工业严重衰退,当前该国的针织品仅能满足50%的需求量,因此开拓俄罗斯针织品市场大有前途。 拓销俄罗斯市场应注
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在“绿色食品”风靡世界的今天,人们对天然植物有独钟。我国有四种土特资源成了国外的抢手货。 Today, “green food” has swept the world, people have a soft spot for n