Electro-optical properties of polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal film

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheen
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Liquid crystals (LCs) and polymers are extensively used in various electro-optical applications.In this paper,normal mode polymer stabilized cholesteric LC film is prepared and studied.The effects of chiral dopant and monomer concentrations on the electro-optical properties,such as contrast ratio,driving voltage,hysteresis width and response time,are investigated.The reasons of electro-optical properties influenced by the concentrations of the materials are discussed.Through the proper material recipe,the electro-optical properties of polymer stabilized cholesteric LC film can be optimized. Liquid crystals (LCs) and polymers are widely used in various electro-optical applications. This paper, normal mode polymer stabilized cholesteric LC film is prepared and studied. The effects of chiral dopant and monomer concentrations on the electro-optical properties, such as contrast ratio, driving voltage, hysteresis width and response time, are investigated.The reasons of electro-optical properties influenced by the concentrations of the materials are.Through the proper material recipe, the electro-optical properties of polymer stabilized cholesteric LC film can be optimized.
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