Spatio-temporal variations of Arctic amplification and their linkage with the Arctic oscillation

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okdangdang
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The Arctic near-surface air temperatures are increasing more than twice as fast as the global average–a feature known as Arctic amplification(AA).A modified AA index is constructed in this paper to emphasize the contrast of warming rate between polar and mid-latitude regions,as well as the spatial and temporal characteristics of AA and their influence on atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere.Results show that AA has a pronounced annual cycle.The positive or negative phase activities are the strongest in autumn and winter,the weakest in summer.After experiencing a remarkable decadal shift from negative to positive phase in the early global warming hiatus period,the AA has entered into a state of being enlarged continuously,and the decadal regime shift of AA in about 2002 is affected mainly by decadal shift in autumn.In terms of spatial distribution,AA has maximum warming near the surface in almost all seasons except in summer.Poleward of 20°N,AA in autumn has a significant influence on the atmospheric circulation in the following winter.The reason may be that the autumn AA increases the amplitude of planetary waves,slows the wave speeds and weakens upper-level zonal winds through the thermal wind relation,thus influencing surface air temperature in the following winter.The AA correlates to negative phase of the Arctic oscillation(AO) and leads AO by 0–3 months within the period 1979–2002.However,weaker relationship between them is indistinctive after the decadal shift of AA. The Arctic near-surface air temperatures are increasing more than twice as fast as the global average-a feature known as Arctic amplification (AA). A modified AA index is constructed in this paper to emphasize the contrast of warming rate between polar and mid- latitude regions, as well as the spatial and temporal characteristics of AA and their influence on atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere. Results show that AA has a pronounced annual cycle. The positive or negative phase activities are the strongest in autumn and winter, the weakest in summer. After remarkable performance of a remarkable decadal shift from negative to positive phase in the early global warming hiatus period, the AA has entered into a state of being being continuously continuous, and the decadal regime shift of AA in about 2002 is affected mainly by decadal shift in autumn. terms of spatial distribution, AA has maximum warming near the surface in almost all seasons except in summer. Poleward of 20 ° N, AA in autumn has a signifi cant influence on the atmospheric winter, the following winter. the reason may be that the autumn. AA increases the amplitude of planetary waves, slows the wave speeds and weakens upper-level zonal winds through the thermal wind relation, influencing surface air temperature in the following winter. AA correlates to negative phase of the Arctic oscillation (AO) and leads AO by 0-3 months within the period 1979-2002. However, weaker relationship between them is indistinctive after the decadal shift of AA.
一、关于城镇污水处理主导工艺的思考  对于引进的工艺技术,在与国外咨询公司合作过程中,大部分较好的实现了预定的目标。但是,往往我们自己设计的污水处理工程项目,在实施的过程中有会出现各种应用不当的问题。这是因为以往我国污水处理技术研究偏重于工艺开发研究,对一种工艺的了解缺乏足够的系统性、完整性,也缺乏对整个处理工艺综合性的比较研究和技术经济评价体系。这也造成我国城市污水处理,在技术选择上摇摆不定、不
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摘 要:红外热成像技术在军事、医疗、火灾预防、电力核电、检验检测等领域已广泛应用,并取得很好的成果。针对老旧电梯使用年限较长,部分机械、电气元件老化,尝试运用红外热成像技术对关键部件进行检测,依照相关电梯检验标准,通过红外热像图判断分析机械、电气故障及隐患,预判电梯的使用报废期限,让迫在眉睫的老旧电梯评估更准确高效有说服力。  关键词:红外热成像技术;电梯检验;检测  一、前言  红外热成像运用光
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