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2000年5月1日,洪湖市供电局局长覃孟洪作为荆州市供电系统的劳模代表,进京参加了观摩会。登上天安门城楼,他感慨万千…… 1998年,覃孟洪任局长后提出了创建一流企业的口号。他在领导班子建设、安全生产、主要经济技术指标和优质服务方面作文章。洪湖市供电局实现了连续11年安全运行无事故,被评为全国农村电气化市和农电“三为”达标单位,被湖北省委、省政府授予文明单位的称号。 在领导班子建设上,他着手抓了创“五好”班子活动,严格自身建设,狠抓了“五种教育”,树立起“五个样子”。五种教育为爱国主义教育、党风廉政教育、党性和党员的政治教育、“三讲教育”和“三个代表”教育。在党委成员中真正树立起了“五种样子”,即在理论学习上树样子,在班子成员团结上树样子,在党性纪律上树样子,在民主作风上树样子,在工作政绩上树样子。他坚持每月的学习制度、民主生活 May 1, 2000, Honghu City Power Supply Bureau director Qin Meng Hong Jingzhou power supply system as a representative of the model workers, to participate in the observation meeting in Beijing. Mount Tiananmen Square, he filled with emotion ... ... In 1998, Tan Menghong Ren Secretary made the slogan to create first-class enterprises. He made a fuss about leading group construction, work safety, major economic and technical indicators and excellent service. Honghu City Power Supply Bureau to achieve a 11 consecutive years of safe operation without accidents, was named the rural electrification city and rural power “three for” standard units, Hubei provincial party committee and government awarded the title of civilized unit. In the construction of the leading group, he set out to create a “five good” team activities, strictly self-construction, pay close attention to the “five kinds of education” and establish “five appearances.” The five types of education are patriotism education, education of party conduct and clean government, political education of party spirit and party members, education on “three stresses education” and “three represents”. Among the members of the party committees, they really set up the “five looks”, that is, they look on the tree in theoretical study, they look for unity in the team members, they look for themselves in the discipline and discipline of the Party, find their way in the democratic style, . He insisted on a monthly study system and democratic life
采用金相和电镜等手段对堆焊裂纹形貌进行了观察, 并研究了稀土氧化物对堆焊金属抗开裂性能及塑、韧性的影响。结果表明, 堆焊金属中的开裂形式为结晶裂纹和淬硬裂纹, 加入稀土
本文用透射电镜研究了2.25Cr-1Mo 钢焊接接头蠕变后焊缝中的M6C碳化物。结果表明,高温长期蠕变促进了M6C的析出长大,从焊缝内析出的M6C与α-Fe 铁素体基体间存在N-W 位向关系,即:(111)M6C∥(110)α;[011)M6C∥[001]α。文中还讨论分析
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通过大气暴露试验和干湿交替复合循环试验,并对腐蚀产物进行 X R D 分析, 研究碳钢和低合金钢在污染环境中的大气腐蚀行为 Through atmospheric exposure test and alternating w
著名的改装厂Hamann早就打好这款MINI Cooper S小车的主意了。素以可爱活泼著称的MINI Cooper S,经过Hamann对其进行的彻底大变身之后,成为了一款外表绚丽,动力生猛的小跑车