产品投产侧面印证合并传言 红塔能否跳过品牌门槛 论一汽红塔L501的市场定位

来源 :商用汽车新闻 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen1155588
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近期轻卡市场还是一如去年那样的平淡和波澜不惊。但从年初至今,有几则行业内的新闻引起了笔者的持续关注:一汽集团技术中心全新开发的轻型载货车平台L501将在明年年初投产。联想起同为一汽集团旗下的红塔和哈轻即将合并的传言,L501的消息就更具有了戏剧性,这款新品的市场定位究竟在何处? Light truck market is still as flat and placid as last year. However, from the beginning of the year to the present, there are several industry news that aroused the continuous concern of the author: The newly developed L501 platform of the FAW Group Technology Center will be put into operation early next year. Think of the same as the FAW Group’s Hongta and Harbin light is about the merger rumors, L501 news even more dramatic, this new market positioning where exactly?
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