
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwj1234
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The kinetics of isomerisation of 1-butene over Lu2O3/SiO2 catalyst has beeninvestigated by the flow-recirculation glass reactor. The heats of adsorption for 1-butene,2-butene and water were deteched by the pulse method. The kinetics of isomerizationof 1-butene obeys the L-H mechaniasm Kinetic equation. We observed that L-H kineticequation with two parameters is the good-conditioned equation. The L-H kinetic equation with more than three paramters is a ill-conditioned equation. The condition numberof normal equation increases with the increase of paramter numbers for kinetic equation.In addition, we observed that the condition number is not less than the square of ratio oflong to short in column vector for the coefficient matrix of contradiction equation. The kinetics of isomerisation of 1-butene over Lu2O3 / SiO2 catalyst has been investigated by the flow-recirculation glass reactor. The heats of adsorption for 1-butene, 2-butene and water were detected by the pulse method. The kinetics of isomerization of 1- butene obeys the LH mechaniasm Kinetic equation. We observed that LH kineticequation with two parameters is the good-conditioned equation. The LH kinetic equation with more than three paramters is a ill-conditioned equation. The condition numberof normal equation increases with the increase of paramter numbers for kinetic equation. In addition, we observed that the condition number is not less than the square of ratio of long to short in column vector for the coefficient matrix of contradiction equation.
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【摘要】本文从瓦斯爆炸的特点及原因着手,分析说明了瓦斯爆炸的条件及防治措施,说明了预防瓦斯爆炸是一个非常复杂的工程,也是必不可缺少的,是煤矿安全工作的首要,只有作好这项工程,才能保证煤矿的安全生产。  【关键词】爆炸特点;原因分析;防治措施  【中图分类号】TD714.5  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)10-0216-01  瓦斯是矿井中主要由煤层气构成的以甲烷为
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不少女人都会有痛经的毛病,有的人认为,痛经不算大毛病,只要忍忍就过去了,这其实是一种认识误区。妇科医生表示,痛经分原发性痛经和继发性痛经两种,原发性痛经是没有器质性病变的经期腹痛,而继发性痛经多是因为疾病造成的,往往比原发性痛经更严重,还可能伴随不孕、月经改变等其他问题。  痛经可能多与疾病有关  哪些疾病会导致痛经慢性炎症或者既往手术会造成瘢痕粘连以及盆腔充血,由此引起的痛经常表现为下腹部坠胀、
晓玲应聘到一家药品零售连锁公司门店作店员。实习完毕后,正式上班了。 这个药店处在一家国有企业的住宅区,附近居民的消费水平较低。虽然医改之后,有些医药费用到了职工的
本文通过试验建立了普通大学男生中跑教学的手段与方法之最优搭配,运用此教学力案,可以收到较为理想的教学效果。 This paper establishes the optimal collocation of mean