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京津冀协同发展大背景下,北京市制造业转型升级和空间布局调整面临新的挑战。本文基于微观企业数据,采用偏离—份额模型剖析了1996—2010年北京市制造业发展的时空演化特征,基于空间偏离—份额模型,提出京津冀协同发展背景下,未来北京不同功能区制造业疏解方向。研究发现,从功能区层面来讲,北京市制造业由首都功能核心区向城市功能拓展区、城市发展新区以及生态涵养发展区渐次外迁,在此过程中高新技术产业、机械与装备制造业呈集聚发展态势,都市型工业近年来有所回迁,其余制造业逐渐退出北京市。在此基础上,以京津冀协同发展纲要为指导,结合京津冀都市圈各城市产业功能定位和集聚区建设分析了北京市不同功能区制造业未来疏解策略与方向。 Under the background of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the manufacturing industry in Beijing will face new challenges in its restructuring and upgrading of its manufacturing industry. Based on the micro-enterprise data, this paper analyzes the spatiotemporal evolution of manufacturing in Beijing in 1996-2010 by using the departure-share model. Based on the spatial deviation-share model, this paper proposes that in the context of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Ease the direction. The study found that from the perspective of the functional area, Beijing’s manufacturing industry gradually moved from the core functional areas of the capital to urban functional areas, urban development new areas and ecological conservation and development areas. In this process, high-tech industries, machinery and equipment manufacturing Agglomeration development trend, urban-based industries have been moved back in recent years, the remaining manufacturing gradually withdraw from Beijing. On the basis of this, taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development program as a guide, this paper analyzes the future defusing strategies and directions of manufacturing industries in different functional areas in Beijing in combination with the construction of industrial functions and agglomeration areas in the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
【正】 十六大通过的新党章,开宗明义写道:“中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队。”这是在新的历史时期,对党的先锋队性质全面的、完整的
【正】 怀来,自古就是京津通往西北地区的咽喉要道,如今,110国道横贯东西,省道宝平线纵横南北,县乡道路初具规模,基本形成以国省干线为骨架、地方道路为支脉的县域公路交通网
【正】 社会主义政治文明是中国政治发展和政治现代化的重要标志。改革开放以来,中国社会主义政治理论、政治实践以及两个文明建设都取得了显著成绩。江泽民同志深刻总结了现
【正】 社会主义市场经济条件下,干部职工的思想发生了很大变化。市场经济形成的竞争意识,效益和效率观念,进一步促进了干部职工的思想解放和观念更新。良好的干部作风是做好
【正】 一 国民党“二大”后,蒋介石的地位明显上升,这时他集国民党中央执行委员会委员、军事委员会委员、黄埔军校校长和国民革命军第一军军长等军政要职于一身,与在广东的