重栽梧桐树 再引金凤凰——北京西郊汽配城启动三期改造工程

来源 :中华汽摩配 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqund7h
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对目前汽配行业激烈竞争形势的认识目前,北京地区汽车保有量近300 万辆,巨大的汽配市场吸引众多商家、热钱、游资竞相涌入汽配行业。面对市场的飞速发展,我们忧心地看到,北京地区汽配市场的发展,目前有盲目失控的势头, 有重走上海地区汽配行业发展弯路的可能。上海地区,几年前汽配市场发展非常快,建起了许多超过10万平米的大型汽配市场。几多疯狂、几多豪气,最终引众多英雄竟折腰!上海汽配市场目前尚有近30万平米的闲置商铺未出租,许多商户惨淡经营,部分市场经营难以为续,惨 The current auto parts industry, the situation of intense competition At present, Beijing car ownership of nearly 3 million units, a huge auto market to attract businesses, hot money, hot money poured into the auto parts industry. Faced with the rapid development of the market, we are anxious to see that the development of the auto parts market in Beijing currently has a tendency to run out of control blindly, revising the auto parts industry in Shanghai may make a detour. Shanghai, a few years ago the auto parts market has developed very fast, built many more than 100,000 square meters of large auto parts market. How crazy, how many pride, eventually cited many heroes unexpectedly! Shanghai auto parts market there are still nearly 300,000 square meters of idle shops are not rented, many businesses bleak, difficult to continue the operation of some markets, miserable
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