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9月30日下午,中国海警局与学院共建“中国海警研究中心”协议签字仪式在学院举行。中国海警局副局长杨隽率队来院参加仪式并讲话,海警局参谋长王洪光,政治部副主任徐训高,后勤装备部副部长陈颍,司令部办公室主任张文辉、副主任甘羽随同来院参加签字仪式。学院院长马金旗出席签字仪式并致辞,训练部部长董希琳,科研部部长张平,政治部副主任张立勋,边防系主任张保平、副主任张秋波,政治工作系主任刘立宏,部队管理系主任黄金印及部分“中国海警研究中心”学术团队代表参加了签字仪式。签字仪式由学院副政委刘金增主持。 On the afternoon of September 30, the signing ceremony of the agreement on the establishment of the “China Maritime Police Research Center” jointly organized by the China Maritime Police Agency and the academy was held at the college. Yang Jun, deputy director general of China Maritime Police Force, led a team to attend the ceremony and delivered a speech. Wang Honguang, Chief of Staff of Maritime Police Bureau, Xu Xungao, deputy director of the Political Department, Chen Ying, vice minister of logistics and equipment department, Zhang Wenhui, director of the headquarters office and Gan Yu, ceremony. President Ma Jinchi attended the signing ceremony and delivered speeches. Minister of Training Dong Xilin, Minister of Scientific Research Zhang Ping, Deputy Director of Political Department Zhang Lixun, Frontier Defense Department Zhang Baoping, Deputy Director Zhang Qiubo, Political Work Department Director Liu Lihong, Head of Department of Military Management Golden Printing And part of the “China Maritime Police Research Center ” academic team representatives attended the signing ceremony. The signing ceremony was presided over by Liu Jinzeng, deputy political commissar of the college.
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