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目的了解在不同提取条件下海藻类食品中的无机砷含量。方法用不同浓度的盐酸在不同时间和温度下提取海带和紫菜中的无机砷,并进行原子荧光检测。结果海藻类食品中的无机砷随着提取温度、时间和盐酸浓度的增加测定结果增大,温度的影响尤为显著。在40℃,6.0 M的盐酸提取18 h的条件下,海藻样品无机砷测定结果在合理范围,回收率94.9%~105.4%。结论在较低的温度或盐酸浓度提取条件下可避免使海藻样品中的大分子有机砷转化成有荧光信号的二甲基砷,能正确反映样品中无机砷的含量。 Objective To understand the content of inorganic arsenic in seaweed foods under different extraction conditions. Methods The inorganic arsenic in kelp and seaweed was extracted with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid at different time and temperature, and the atomic fluorescence was detected. Results The results showed that inorganic arsenic in seaweed foods increased with the increase of extraction temperature, time and concentration of hydrochloric acid. The effect of temperature was especially significant. Under the conditions of 40 ℃ and 6.0 M hydrochloric acid extraction for 18 h, the results of determination of inorganic arsenic in seaweed samples were in a reasonable range and the recoveries ranged from 94.9% to 105.4%. Conclusion Under the condition of low temperature or hydrochloric acid concentration extraction, the conversion of organic arsenic from seaweed sample to dimethyl arsenate with fluorescent signal can be avoided, which can correctly reflect the content of inorganic arsenic in the sample.
目的为及时掌握若尔盖县饮茶型氟中毒病区居民户合格砖茶普及情况,动态评价病区人群饮茶型地氟病流行趋势,为采取针对性干预措施提供依据。方法 2011年对5个监测村50个居民户
笔者在1999年6~12月间,用中药配合电离子手术治疗尖锐湿疣30例,疗效满意,现报道如下1 临床资收治30例均为女性患者,年龄最大48岁,最小19岁,以20~30岁居多.其中未婚18岁,均有婚
笔者采用三色散为主治疗胫骨结节炎患者36例,取得较满意的疗效,现报道如下1 临床资本组36例中,男31例,女5例;年龄12~18岁.患者中喜好运动者多,或有局部外伤病史.临床表现为患
笔者运用阳和汤加味治疗原发性三叉神经痛20例,取得满意效果,现报道如下1 临床资本组患者中,男8例,女12例;年龄32~76岁;所有病例均为原发性三叉神经痛,病程2年之内者3例,2~10年
笔者采用活血通络、理气散结法治疗乳腺小叶增生症125例,取得了较满意的疗效.现介绍如下1 临床资本组病例均在门诊观察治疗.其中16~20岁8例,21~25岁13例,26~30岁39例,31~40岁45例
笔者自1994年以来,用补中益气汤随证加减,治疗老年气虚型感冒56例,疗效较佳,总结报道如下1 临床资56例中,男39例,女17例;年龄最大82岁,最小65岁,其中65~70岁23例,71~80岁30例,8