甲子人艺戏比天 六十情怀共此时

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编者按:7月18日至8月5日,北京人艺携5台剧目登陆上海大剧院连演20场,在沪上掀起一股盛况空前的观剧热潮。正如上海戏剧评论家所言:“上海观众与戏剧界同仁欣赏地看到,北京人艺特有的艺术风格与文化品位得到了传承且有所发展,作品和演出依然精致大气又具现代感,作品依然注重内涵又具启发性,剧院依然人才济济又各具风貌。”对此,本刊特邀多位上海戏剧界人士品戏、评戏,与你共同分享戏剧带给我们的感动与震撼。 Editor’s Note: July 18 to August 5, Beijing Art to bring 5 repertoire landing Shanghai Grand Theater company staged 20 games in Shanghai set off an unprecedented spectacular boom. As the Shanghai theater critics put it, “Shanghai’s audience and theater colleagues appreciate that the unique artistic style and cultural taste of BeiJing Art has been inherited and developed. The works and performances are still exquisite atmosphere and modern, The work is still focusing on content and inspiration, and the theater is still full of talent and style. ”In this regard, we have invited many Shanghai drama industry people to dramatize and critically play together with you to share the moving drama Shocking
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By formation of an intermediate semiconductor layer (ISL) with a narrow band gap at the metallic contact/SiC interface, this paper realises a new method to fabr
[3]尹献忠(男,1954年12月27日生于北京,1963年在湖北麻城市上学,1969年2月应征在北京军区空军雷达基地服役6年,1975年转业到湖北十堰市 [3] Yin Xianzhong (male, born in
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<正> 苏联的通货膨胀越来越严重,成为经济发展与经济体制改革的严重障碍。本文拟就苏联通货膨胀的表现、原因与治理对策问题进行概略分析,并对当前苏联政府采取治理通货膨胀的措施作些评价。一、通货膨胀的表现长期以来,苏联在传统体制下存在着隐蔽型通货膨胀问题。戈尔巴乔夫实行经济改革后,隐蔽型通货膨胀向公开型通货膨胀转移,通货膨胀逐渐暴露出来。目前正处于隐蔽型通货膨