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  16. Though the policemen got after looking for the murder in the city for a whole day, they felt excited when finding the knife by the lake.
  A. exhausting; abandoning
  B. exhausted; abandoned
  C. exhausted; abandoning
  D. exhausting; abandoned
  17. My father used to coffee in the morning, but now he is used to tea—he thinks its healthier.
  A. drink; drink
  B. drinking; drinking
  C. drink; drinking
  D. drinking; drink
  18. make any mistakes in the exam. I went over what I had learnt again and again.
  A. In order toB. So as to not
  C. So as toD. In order not to
  19. Mr. Smith, in the factory for thirty years, is on the way back to his village.
  A. to workB. working
  C. to have workedD. having worked
  20. —How about something to eat?
  —Id rather a drink. I am really thirsty.
  A. have; havingB. having; have
  C. have; to haveD. having; to have
  21. Ive been considering my job as a teacher because a teacher is often considered a gardener.
  A. to change; to be
  B. to change; being
  C. changing; being
  D. changing; to be
  22. in the 1980s, its the first factory colour TV sets of high quality.
  A. Founded; producing
  B. Founded; to produce
  C. Founding; having produced
  D. Founding; produced
  23. All the members of my family, my grandparents, are fond of different kinds of sports, football .
  A. including; included
  B. including; including
  C. included; including
  D. included; included
  24. My little daughter poured ink over my painting, completely it.
  A. ruiningB. ruins
  C. ruinedD. ruin
  25. He is the youngest in the family, but he hated a child.
  A. being treated as
  B. treating as
  C. to treat as
  D. to be treated to
  26. —My watch has been losing time for the past week.
  —It probably needs .
  A. cleanB. cleaned
  C. to cleanD. cleaning
  27. the problem of rising costs, the man decided to search for another job to support his large family.
  A. Facing withB. To face with
  C. FaceD. Faced with
  28. Greatly as the leading scientist, he was asked to give lectures in many countries.
  A. respectingB. respects
  C. respectedD. to respect
  29. in the book he is crazy about, he didnt hear his mother enter the room.
  A. BuriedB. Burying
  C. To buryD. Being burying
  30. The picture the wall was drawn by one of his students.
  A. attaching toB. attaching on
  C. attached toD. attached on
漫漫高考长征路已经进入尾声,大家马上就要迎来高考,这场让人满怀期待又无限担心的战斗也到了决战的重要关头,能否毕其功于一役。就看你的发挥了!  记得有这么一句诗:千锤百炼待鼓成,仅有一锤定鼓音。人生如战场,高考之于你就如同战士出征,能否在“鼓”上以一颗平常心握稳弗敲好这气定神闲的定音之锤,将在很大程度上影响到这场决战的成败。  我们知道,在高考中,实力是基础,发挥是关键。要想在考试中有更好的发挥,了
第三军医大学位于年轻的直辖市重庆,坐落在巍峨的歌乐山下,秀美的嘉陵江畔,以鲜明的军事医学特色和优异的办学质量而享誉军内外,是一所有着70多年历史悠久和有着光荣传统的全国重点医科大学。厚重而朴实的校园里,一草一木都透着军人的执著与刚毅。校门口,站岗的绿军装士兵和旁边“军事管理区”的标志牌,让人体会到了这所军医院校的威严与庄重。  三军医大由原第六、七医大合并而成。是新中国成立后第一批全国重点大学、军
考场增分策略    语文学习历来强调积累,“不积跬步,无以至千里”,但这句话只说对了一半。一个人在语文上的才智虽不会是无源之水、无本之木,但即便有了源头活水,也不一定就能天光云影共徘徊。唯有以往积累的东西在考场上被激活,才能将置变化为质变。本期学科专题,我们便以诗歌鉴赏、现代文阅读和写作这几个核心考查点为突破口,教同学们如何在考场上有效增分。    2010年高考,全国18套试题无一例外考到了诗歌
①给观点分组讨论类  开头模版Recently, we had a heated discussion on  论述观点when it comes to this hot topic, studentsviews vary from people to people, some people think that****, nevertheless, just as the saying go
描述友谊和朋友的常用句子  1. I believe our friendship will last forever.  2. We will cherish the time we have spent together.  3. I have known a new friend on the Internet.  4. Wherever he is, there is laughing. 
面对招生目录,也许有同学会有这样的困惑:重点大学,甚至本科院校对我来说都显得有些遥远。会有那么一个专业,那么一个学校,那么一个职业在等待我,呼唤我吗?其实,如果用就业的思路去看待专业和择校问题,你会发现每个领域都存在许多层次性的工种。比如在电子产品企业里,同样是技术性工作,有人充当技术总监,有人领衔电路设计,也必须有人担任一个部门一条生产线的技术主管,有人去操作或维修某一类大型专业机械……  其实
在英语的实际应用中,英语学习者在交际过程中,会发现自己不能很好的清楚表达出自己思想或理解他人的情感,结果难免出闹不少笑话。笑话中,chinglish (中国式英语)占有极大的比例。那么,怎样才能避免这种情况呢?我们一起来看:  一、 要了解西方国家的文化和风土人情强调了解中西文化差异,及其不同表达方式,才能使交际有效。  如:Jack is a green hand at doing this w
1. Many people do not go to the hospital for care unless it is emergency. They often use home remedies(疗法) to make themselves feel better.  A. the; theB. a; an  C. /; anD. /; the  答案:C。  解析:考查冠词。用于泛指时
1. The novels written by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he in the literary world.  A. was playingB. was to play  C. had playedD. played  答案:B。  解析
1. On February 27, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao held an online chat with Internet users across country and overseas, third time the leader had participated in the events.  A. the; theB. a; a  C. /; theD.