Transient liquid phase diffusion bonding of a single crystal superalloy DD6

来源 :China Welding | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen90245
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DD6 alloy was bonded by transient liquid phase (TLP) diffusion bonding. The main compositions of the interlayer alloy employed were similar to those of the base metal, DD6, and a certain amount of element B was added as the melting point depressant. The results show that it is difficult to obtain the joints with the microstructures completely homogeneous. For the joint TLP diffusion bonded at 1290℃ for 12h, about half areas of the beam possessed a γ+γ′ microstructure, nearly identical with that of the base metal, and the other local areas consisted of γ-solution, borides, etc. Prolonging the bonding time to 24h, the inhomogeneous areas in the joint reduced, and the joint property improved. The joint stress-rupture strength at 980℃ and 1100℃ reached 90%-100% and 70%-80% of those of the base metal respectively. DD6 alloy was bonded by transient liquid phase (TLP) diffusion bonding. The main compositions of the interlayer alloy employed were similar to those of the base metal, DD6, and a certain amount of element B was added as the melting point depressant. The results For the joint TLP diffusion bonded at 1290 ℃ for 12h, about half areas of the beam possessed a γ + γ ’microstructure, nearly identical with that of the base metal, and the other local areas consisted of γ-solution, borides, etc. Prolonging the bonding time to 24h, the inhomogeneous areas in the joint reduced, and the joint property improved. The joint stress-rupture strength at 980 ℃ and 1100 ℃ reached 90% -100% and 70% -80% of those of the base metal respectively.
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