Numerical analysis of added mass and damping of floating production,storage and offloading system

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willingqiu
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An integral equation approach is utilized to investigate the added mass and damping of floating production,storage and offloading system(FPSO system).Finite water depth Green function and higher-order boundary element method are used to solve integral equation.Numerical results about added mass and damping are presented for odd and even mode motions of FPSO.The results show robust convergence in high frequency range and can be used in wave load analysis for FPSO designing and operation. An integral equation approach is utilized to investigate the added mass and damping of floating production, storage and offloading system (FPSO system). Finite water depth Green function and higher-order boundary element method are used to solve integral equation. Numerical results about added mass and damping are presented for odd and even mode motions of FPSO. The results show robust convergence in high frequency range and can be used in wave load analysis for FPSO designing and operation.
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2009年,浙江省境内首次出现南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒(Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus,SRBSDV),且仅武义县有发病现象。因为该病毒病是一种虫媒病毒,且白背飞虱Sogate
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