围绕枣阳经济建设主旋律 演好档案服从服务协奏曲

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我市地处鄂西北,系“光武中兴”的发祥地,素有“古帝乡”之称,历史悠久,交通发达。改革开放以来,全市人民高唱经济建设主题歌,团结进取,奋力拼搏,促进了各项建设事业的持续、快速、健康发展,1992年跃入全省“十强县(市)”行列。当全市人民回首走过的路时,不禁在“档案工作”四个字的后面重重地打上了一个惊叹号——深感在我市经济建设大合唱的舞台上,档案工作以其超前的意识,全力的投入,高效的服务,弹出了令人耳目一新的服从服务协奏曲,是我市经济建设的驱动力和后勤兵: 一、围绕市委、市政府制定的经济发展战略,立足三个基点,提供全程服务,发挥了参谋助手作用。我市各级档案部门经过多年的辛勤收集与系统化整理,积累了大量的档案信息资源,这是一个取之不尽,用之不竭的宝藏。近年来,档案工作者紧紧扣住经济建设这个中心,围绕市委、市政府制定的经济发展战略,立足三个基点、提供全程服务,发挥了参谋助手作用。 The city is located in northwestern Hubei Province, Department of “Guangwu ZTE” birthplace, known as “ancient emperor Township,” said, has a long history and well-developed traffic. Since the reform and opening up, the people of the whole city sang the theme song of economic construction, unite to forge ahead and worked hard to promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of various construction undertakings. In 1992, they jumped into the ranks of the “Top Ten Counties (Cities)” in the province. When the people of the whole city look back on the road they walked through, they could not help but remarkably put an exclamation point behind the four words of “archives work” - deeply on the arena of the chorus of economic construction in our city, archives work with its advanced awareness Investment, efficient service, pop-up a refreshing obedience concerto service is the driving force and logistics of the city’s economic construction: First, around the municipal government to develop economic development strategy, based on three basic points, to provide full service , Played a staff assistant role. Archives departments at all levels in our city after years of hard collection and systematization, has accumulated a large number of archival information resources, this is an inexhaustible treasure. In recent years, archivists firmly cling to the center of economic construction and, based on the economic development strategy formulated by the municipal party committee and government, provide full service and serve as a staff assistant based on three basic points.
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一个秀才上街买肉,回家路上,手中的肉被饿狗叼跑了。 他并不去追,只是望着狗的背影,喊道:“蠢狗!肉是生的,看你怎么吃!” A scholar on the street to buy meat, go home on