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太钢是我国特大型国有企业,多年来在职工教育方面一直坚持“以我为主”的方针,立足大钢实际,勇于探索,为造就一支适应现代化大生产的钢铁工人队伍作出了突出的贡献。在企业进入市场经济后,太钢人紧紧抓住提高技术工人素质这一企业竞争之根本,打响了规模宏大的“双考”配套工程。本刊以较大篇幅介绍了该工程所要达到的目标、任务和“双考”复习大纲编制、命题工作细则、修订“工人技术等级标准”的验收标准以及教材体系建设等方方面面的情况,以使读者对这项工程有一个较全面的了解。 Over the years, TISCO has always insisted on the guideline of “based on me” and based on the actual situation of Dagang, bold exploration in order to create a contingent of steel workers who adapt to modernized large-scale production. contribution. After the enterprises entered the market economy, the Taiyuan people firmly grasped the fundamental aim of improving the quality of skilled workers and started a grand “double test” supporting project. In a larger space, this paper introduces the objectives and tasks to be achieved by the project and the preparation of review outline for the “double exams”, the detailed rules for propositions, the acceptance criteria for revision of the “Technical Standard for Workers”, and the construction of teaching materials and systems so that Readers have a more comprehensive understanding of the project.
目前国际市场锑价已猛涨至每吨3450美元,且犹有进一步上涨的势头。 去年锑价一直在每吨1550美元至1680美元之间的低水平徘徊。今年以来,锑价否极泰来步步上涨,3月的日均价已
我国45年累计产钢117300万吨,是解放前50年钢产量总和的150多倍 In the 45 years of our country, a total of 1173 million tons of steel was produced, which is more th
Intra-particle mass and heat transfer plays an important role in performance of the exothermic fixed-bed reactor for an isopropanol–acetone–hydrogen chemical
“道”是老子哲学的中心概念,也是中国哲学史上的一个最崇高的概念,老子认为,“道”是万物得以创生的本体、本根、本源,展现为一种生命化的循环过程。 “Tao ” is the cen