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  莫里斯酒店曾讓皇室流连忘返,让艺术家在此安家,如今,她仍是世界各国政府元首和各界名流竞相下榻之所。平日下午开始,一层的达利餐厅Le Dalí和Bar 288酒吧就早已欢声笑语一片,仿佛180余年从未间断的愉悦时光依然再现。这是怎样做到的呢?
  更深的一层原因,应是对“完美”永无止境的追求。莫里斯酒店已经不再局限于仅仅需要达到某种经济目标,而是期待在酒店独特空间内为客人创造种种最好最特别的体验。这是一个追求,一个已经实现又不断升华的追求。这种追求,我们在酒店中都看到了,也感受到了!比如,在酒店的客房里有最舒适的睡眠,最养眼的灯光,最舒服的热水澡和最好最及时的客房服务和送餐服务;比如,酒店还有最美最好的餐厅、酒吧和最好的下午茶点,好到让你的幸福感觉油然而生;比如,客人的床边柜上除了赠送的矿泉水外还被放置了This Works品牌的助眠喷雾;再比如,当你清晨醒来鬓角留香之时,竟会看到淋浴间内附加了侧墙喷头,充电线的收纳被系成了蝴蝶结……
  Once the residence of the Royals and artists, Le Meurice is still visited by all heads of state and governments and celebrities around the world. Customers' laughter can be heard in Le Dalí and Bar 228, how does the hotel accomplish the task of 180 years of uninterrupted pleasure?
  One of the principles is to protect the history and to continue the innovation.
  The primary goal of Le Meurice is to assume the standards and responsibility worthy of a French "Palace Hotel". It not only has to maintain the perfect Louis XVI decorative style, retaining the appearance of the "Hotel of Kings"; but also has to continue to keep pace with the times by continuous innovation.
  The beauty of Paris lies in its history, so is Le Meurice. After the stay, the Hotel Elite editors have experienced the true sense of history that cannot be matched by any modern luxury hotel.
  When the hotel general manager Ms. Franka Holtmann asked Charles Jouffre to refurbish the rooms, the first requirement is to bring in more modern style, so that the past and today converge in humor and extravagance. Later, the designer Philippe Starck and daughter Ara Starck also brought modern elements and ideas tributed to Dalí to the lobby and restaurant space.
  As the hotel's slogan in 1980 goes: "At Le Meurice, everything is new except the charm. "
  To look deeper, there is an endless pursuit of "perfection". Le Meurice is no longer limited in achieving a certain economical goal, but looks forward to creating the best and most special experience for the guests. This is a pursuit of sublimation. This pursuit, we have seen and experienced in the hotel! For example, you can enjoy the most comfortable sleep in the hotel room, the most beautiful lighting, the most comfortable hot bath and the best and most timely room service and food delivery; for example, the hotel has the most lovely restaurants, bars and the best afternoon tea, where feelings of happiness arise spontaneously; in addition to the complimentary mineral water, 'This Works' pillow spray is also placed on the bedside table; furthermore, when you wake up in the morning, you see an extra shower nozzle attached to the side wall, and the charging cable tied into a neat bow......
  The afternoon before we left the hotel, we booked a table in "Le Dalí". When we looked around, all seats were occupied. In the warm light, French and foreigners dressed in black suits and leisure suits all gathered here, all eighty seats were taken. The chattering sound of dialogue filled the hall without any background music.
  In the evening, the lights dimmed, a black artist played the piano. We were drunk with the night.
  Goodbye! Le Meurice, the legend of Parisian Hotels. We shall return to you!
冰雪消融春风苏醒的二月,法兰克福依旧薄雪覆盖面容冷峻。在这个阳春白雪的日子里,Ambiente 法兰克福春季消费品展应季而开。漫步在法兰克福的大街上,随处可见的是城堡般的哥特式建筑以及表述历史流程的文艺复兴式建筑,在这些质朴的奢華中又掺杂着一幢幢设计感十足的现代化设计。  众所周知,德国以工业而闻名,德国人又以严谨而著称。那么,作为欧洲最为繁忙的城市之一,法兰克福又有哪些酒店文化应运而生呢?  I
The Beautiful Encounter of Italy and Thailand  COMO的奢华在于不流于表面披金戴银,而是永远关注艺术、设计、避世与时尚。每一间COMO,都有独一无二的时尚、细腻和简约之美。  Point Yamu by COMO 共设 79 间客房和套房,以及 27 座私人泳池别墅。所有的客房、套房和别墅都能看到攀牙湾的迷人海景。Paola Navone将随意与精致
法兰克福格拉文布鲁赫凯宾斯基酒店位于新伊森堡,距离法兰克福约15分钟车程。酒店坐落在16世纪的建筑内,是一处设有大型湖泊和公园的私人场地。酒店原址距今已有400年历史,酒店综合大楼早在 1586 年就已奠基建设,法兰克福格拉文布鲁赫凯宾斯基酒店与1976年开业,是一座名副其实的老牌酒店。酒店共设有225间客/套房,以及室内游泳池,远眺歌德塔与老歌剧院的浓墨重彩,近望私人花园与蔚蓝湖水的明亮动人。法
Mingle in the Neighborhood and Live the Most Lively Senminyak  酒店總经理说:“水明漾地区是一个大熔炉 ,有着丰富多彩的文化和生活方式,融合了巴厘岛所知的一切美好事物。我们的灵感是把水明漾的风味融入到我们的度假村中。” 作为巴厘岛第一家生活方式酒店,英迪格带给住客的不仅是别具一格的住宿体验,更是一种“做个巴厘岛人”的旅行探索方式。  因
法兰克福机场希尔顿花园酒店位于法兰克福机场充满未来气息的The Squaire大楼内,毗邻机场的1号航站楼,从机场内部就可以直接到达,这也是我到达法兰克福后入住的第一间酒店。法兰克福机场希尔顿花园酒店于2011年12月开业,共设有304间客/套房,现代化内饰的客房均配备了平面电视和冲调饮品设备。落地法兰克福便可在机场看到酒店的指示牌,酒店大堂设有柔软的沙发及宽敞的等候区,为来往匆忙的旅客、游人提供
莫里斯酒店的美好恒久而優雅,她的渊源要追溯到1771年的法国北部港口城市加莱。英国上流社会的旅客们早期穿过多弗尔海峡进入法国,多要在此落脚歇息后再前往巴黎。当地的一位32岁的邮政所长查尔斯·奥古斯丁·莫里斯(1739-1820)发现这是个商机,于是开设了一个小驿站,招待英国客人食宿一两日,再把他们送上去巴黎的马车。那时,从加莱到巴黎的路程要耗费36小时。  时光荏苒,老莫里斯79岁时,正是法国近代
A Resort out of the Nature  清邁四季度假村  Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai  “人类是万物的主宰者,大自然则是赐予人类生存的依靠。”  Human-beings are the master of all, and the nature is what human-beings lived from.”  在清迈这座绿荫覆盖的古老世界里,
現在巴黎最炙手可热的五星级酒店中,除了老牌经典,一家名为Le Narcisse Blanc & Spa的新秀正在成为人们的新宠。这家位于巴黎左岸的仅有37间客房的精品酒店于2016年9月才刚面世,其口碑已经和右岸一众宫殿级酒店不相上下,凭借的是精品酒店赖以成功的两项要素:特色的定位和独到的设计。  酒店之新,以至国内将其名直接音译为乐纳西斯布兰克酒店。其实如酒店官网所称,她的正确名字是白水仙水疗酒
酒店客人中最特別最忠诚的一位当数大画家萨尔瓦多·达利。自1950年起,达利每年都有一至数月会来巴黎住进莫里斯酒店,每来必住套房102 -103号,竟达三十年之久。艺术家是需要追逐新鲜事物来保有好奇心的,何况不羁的达利。  淘气的达利让酒店员工去对面的杜乐丽皇宫花园捉苍蝇,每捉到一只,他就支付五法郎买下来。还有一次,他要求把几只羊放进他的房间,见到羊后他掏出手枪就打,放的却是空枪。接着是一匹马、一辆