Present-day crustal movement in China continent and its southeast coast region

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youjiaxiaogege
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Based on the observations of global positioning system (GPS), a movement model for quantitatively describing the seven continent blocks in China, Tibet, Sichuan-Yunnan, Gansu-Qinghai, Xingjiang, the South China, the North China and Heilongjiang is established, and the derived velocity field (1994-1996) is consistent with the focal mechanism “P” stress axis field and the geological model on the whole. China continent moves toward east (including NNK, NE, E, KES and ES) . Furthermore, the intrablock deformation model for Fujian and its neighboring sea region is also established. The derived velocity field and strain rate field (1995-1997) show that along with the southeast coastal region, the whole China moves toward southeast. There are compression from sea to continent in the northwest direction and extension in the northeast direction. The direction of principal stress axis at present is NW (NWW)-SE (SEE) . The collision of India plate with Eurasian plate plays a major role in the crustal movement of C Based on the observations of global positioning system (GPS), a movement model for quantitatively describing the seven continent blocks in China, Tibet, Sichuan-Yunnan, Gansu-Qinghai, Xingjiang, the South China, the North China and Heilongjiang is established, and the derived velocity field (1994-1996) is consistent with the focal mechanism “P ” stress axis field and the geological model on the whole. China continent moves toward east (including NNK, NE, E, KES and ES) , the intrablock deformation model for Fujian and its neighboring sea region is also established. The derived velocity field and strain rate field (1995-1997) show that along with the southeast coastal region, the whole China moves toward southeast. There are compression from sea to continent in the northwest direction and extension in the northeast direction. The direction of principal stress axis at present is NW (NWW) -SE (SEE). The collision of India plate with Eurasian plate plays a major role in the c rustal movement of C
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