发展蓝色产业 振兴福建经济

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世界新技术革命的发展,使人类对海洋的认识有了突破性的飞跃。发展蓝色产业,已成为全球经济增长和国际竞争的一个重要领域,成为世界经济发展的热点和新趋势。作为临海省份的福建,以开发和利用海洋为主导产业,不仅是发挥资源优势、培育新的经济增长点的重要举措,而且对于建立合理的区域结构,推动社会经济健康、协调、稳定发展有着重要意义。 一 我国已进入工业化发展的中期阶段,这一时期经济发展的重要特点就是结构的调整优化对整个经济增长的作用至关重要。因此,合理调整经济结构就不仅是摆在国家、企业面前的紧迫课题,也成为区域经济发展的关键环节。 The development of the world’s new technological revolution has led to a breakthrough in mankind’s understanding of the oceans. The development of blue industry has become an important area of ​​global economic growth and international competition and has become a hot spot and a new trend of world economic development. As a coastal province of Fujian, the development and utilization of the ocean as the leading industry is not only an important measure to play its resource advantages and cultivate new economic growth points, but also important for establishing a rational regional structure and promoting social and economic health, coordination and stable development significance. As China has entered the mid-term stage of industrialization development, an important feature of its economic development during this period is that the role of structural adjustment and optimization in promoting economic growth as a whole is of crucial importance. Therefore, a reasonable adjustment of the economic structure is not only an urgent issue facing the country and the enterprises, but also a key link in the development of the regional economy.
本文讨论了17-4PH不锈钢的显微组织,对时效过程中的析出作了系统的描述。综述了17-4PH钢在不同环境中的耐蚀性和物理性能。 This paper discusses the microstructure of 17-4PH stainles
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