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新疆地处我国西北边陲,是我国通往中西亚、欧洲的陆上通道。新疆特殊的地理位置和经济、社会特点,使公路交通在新疆的经济和社会发展中肩负起促进经济发展和民族团结、保持社会稳定的重要责任。解放五十多年来,新疆的公路交通已经发展成为综合运输体系中的重要组成部分,在综合运输中起着主导作用,成为新疆经济发展的重要支撑。进入21世纪的新疆公路交通迎来难得的历史机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战。国家西部大开发战略可持续发展战略的实施和我国加入世贸组织,给新疆公路交通带来了新的机遇和挑战。在世纪之交,国家做出了实施西部大开发战略决策,国务院于2000年12月下发《国务院关于实施西部大开发若 Xinjiang is located in the northwestern border of China, is China’s access to Central and Western Asia, Europe’s land access. Xinjiang’s special geographical location and its economic and social characteristics have made road transport an important responsibility for promoting economic development and national unity and maintaining social stability in Xinjiang’s economic and social development. Over the past 50 years since liberation, the road traffic in Xinjiang has become an important part of the integrated transport system, playing a leading role in integrated transport and has become an important support for the economic development of Xinjiang. The 21st century road traffic in Xinjiang ushers in a rare historic opportunity as well as facing severe challenges. The implementation of the national strategy for the sustainable development of the western region’s development strategy and China’s accession to the WTO have brought new opportunities and challenges to the road transport in Xinjiang. At the turn of the century, the state has made strategic decisions on the implementation of the policy of developing the western region. The State Council issued in December 2000 the "State Council’s Decision on Implementing the Western Development Plan
着法(红先胜):1.(车)71 (将)41 2.(车)76 (士)543.(马)24 (炮)26 4.(兵)61 (将)45 5.(兵)61 (将)516.(马)76 (将)457.(车)85 (将)418.(车)86 (将)459.(车)65 (将)5610.(炮)9
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第 一 局如图1局势,红方的炮兵在同侧,可借助中帅的威力制胜。 1.(兵)1 2 (马)8 9 进边马是比较顽强的防守。 如改走(马)8 7,则(兵)2 3,(马)7 5,(炮)1 4,(马)5 4,(帅)5 1,
THE incidence of isolated right heart infective endocarditis (IE) is far less common than that of left heart. Clinical presentation is often associated with pul
1.(相)35 (炮)84 2.(马)23 (马)87 3.(车)12 (卒)714.(兵)71 (车)98 以上4个回合是目前应付飞相布局比较流行的着法,也是河北队棋手偏爱的一路棋。5.(马)87 (马)21 6.(车)91
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