The Pragmatic Effects of Vagueness in Business Negotiation

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  Abstract:Five positive effects of vagueness in business negotiation are summarized through data analyses in this paper. They are improving the efficiency, enhancing the flexibility, improving the appropriateness, using language persuasively and creating a harmonious atmosphere. In addition, the negative effects bring from excessive use of vagueness is discussed in order to call enough attention to using vagueness appropriately.
  Key words: vagueness; business negotiation; positive effects
  Business negotiators interact not to have fun but to attain goals. As a matter of fact, not only in the business negotiation, but on every occasion when Business English appears, there is a distinct feature distinguishing it from English the communication is for the business. Whether the language used is good or bad is determined by the final deal. Since the vagueness in English for business negotiation is not always bringing positive effects, a polished businessman should be capable of applying such strategies of being vague in his utterances appropriately according to different situations to achieve his negotiation goals.
  1.Positive Effects
  The appropriate use of vagueness in language for special purpose will bring beneficial effects. Joanna Channell(2000:194) summarized the pragmatic functions of vagueness into ten categories: the right amount of information
  b. deliberately withholding information
  c. using language persuasively
  d. lexical gaps
  e.lacking specific information
  f. displacement
  g. self-protection
  h.power and politeness
  i.informality and atmosphere
  j. women's language
  The pragmatic functions of vague expressions analyzed by Brown and Levinson(1987) are:
  a. Addressors could suggest or criticize by using quality hedges in order to get rid of or emphasize a part of responsibility.
  b. Addressors could complain or request politely by using quantity hedges.
  c. Addressors could offer help or recommend by using relation hedges.
  d. Addressors could decorate sorts of 'face-threatening' expressions by using manner hedges.
  In the present study, the functions vagueness is working can be analyzed into five: a. improving the efficiency, b. enhancing the flexibility, c. improving the appropriateness, d. improving the persuasiveness, e. creating a harmonious atmosphere.
  1.1 Improving the Efficiency
  Gogue(1979:36) once said, "The indefiniteness in expression is not always a bad thing." On the contrary, it is useful in that it could help convey sufficient information with the smallest amount of words. Sometimes, in business negotiation, the motivation of the addressor's using vague language is giving the right amount of information for the perceived purposes of the interaction and that vague expressions can be used where less precision is required. Thus the efficiency of communication will be improved.
  (1) According to the market report, demand for Chinese traditional printing and dyeing goods become greater.
  The resource of information is unknown to the addressee, yet the attitude of the addressor to the present market indirectly expressed by the vague language is clear. It is redundant for the addressor to say: "in the market report done by Jue Steven on page 5 of the Mirror, the statistics are......"Giving unnecessary details will weaken the major point and reduce the addressee's interests as well as the attention.
  (2) The output of the wheat in the northern area is about some 500 million tones each year.
  The addressor must be clear about the exact quality of the output each year. However, the output varies from year to year. The quoting of exact figure is of little value and may be misleading. Besides, it may also trigger the addressee's doubt that the addressor purposefully selects the output of certain unusual year to make his point.
  (3) A: Oh, Mrs. White, you can't be serious would be difficult for us to push any sales if we buy the goods at your prices.
  B: I'm not joking; of course, you may notice that the prices for these commodities have gone up a lot in the international market since last month because the cost of the product has risen a great deal recently. We have to adjust our selling price accordingly.You can see if you have a clear mind of the market, the prices we offer are fairly reasonably and competitive as compared with those in the international market.
  A series of vague expression appear in B's reply: "have gone up a lot", "has raised a great deal recently", "accordingly", "fairly reasonably", which not only give the appropriate amount of information,but also show his tactful use of vagueness. Not an exact number is stated but the information is expressed clearly enough and his firmness of the price is reflected.
  1.2 Enhancing the Flexibility
  In the business negotiation, intractable problems appear almost in each place. In many circumstances, the addressor uses vague language deliberately to withhold information, though they own the information that might be expected by their addressees.Qiu Tianhe(2000) holds that the choice of vague language is also a proper way to deal with the commercial information which cannot be given away orexpressed directly to the counterpart for the purpose of leaving more room for maneuver. Usually, the addressor mitigates his commitment to the truth-value of a proposition or a claim and makes it possible to say, if proved wrong, that the claim is only tentative or an approximation. By doing so,the addressor can self- protect himself well from the conflict either latent or evident in negotiation. As a result, the process of conversation will become more flexible. Three types of vagueness frequently employed by the addressors are classified based on their contents through induction of a great deal real cases: information of time, information of quantity and declaring the attitude.
  a. Information of Time
  The vagueness in expression of time or date is of the highest frequency in business negotiation. The typical examples are here and there.
  (4) A: Could you give me some idea of how long it would take?
  B: Today six of the seven items you ordered has been shipped as you can see on the enclosed invoice. I think you will receive them in ten to fifteen days.
  "Ten to fifteen days" can be seen as unhelpful and insufficiently information, since it does not explicitly refer to a certain time of arrival of which the addresser may not be sure. Possibly, it is due to the reason that the addresser really does not want to commit himself on when the addressee could receive the goods. In this conversation,a defensive tactic of using vague language was used by addressor to express the idea rather flexibly.Just as the opinion of Channell (2000), vague language may be used as a safeguard against being later shown to be wrong in this regard.
  (5)A: We are very sorry about the delay for processing your order No.764. Because our supplier's machinery has suffered a serious breakdown, all of their work has to be stagnated for several days. However, we can assure you we will lose no time in the prompt delivery of the goods you ordered.
  B: I hope so.
  In this segment, "for several days" and "prompt delivery" have no connotation of exact consignment date, otherwise, it will be more inconvenient for the addressor to handle the unexpected circumstances.
  The following examples can be regarded as withholding:
  (6) It would probably be some time before we can revert to the special quality you required.
  (7) We shall do our best to make shipment as soon as possible.
  (8)A: We hope the goods will arrive earlier.
  B: We know the season is approaching and you are in urgent need of the goods. Considering this, we shall try our way clear to persuade our manufacturers to rearrange their production plan and manage to make earlier shipment.
  In example 8, A asks for the delivery ahead of schedule while B neither refuses hastily nor consents blindly because of the incertitude. The reply with vague language leaves space for himself.
  b. Information of Quantity
  To use vagueness in giving information of quantity is also frequent in negotiation and two examples will be analyzed here.
  (9) A: How many suppliers do you have for these special and competitive goods
  B: They are approximately three in your market.
  A is wondering how many opponents are competing with him, while B gives a hedge "approximately". This word enlarges the imagination space of addressor: maybe the number is less than three, but maybe more than three. Hence, the initiative status was possessed by A.
  (10) A: What about the price?
  B: The given quotation is subject to the changes of market.
  B uses the vague statement "subject to the changes of market " to make his quoted price uncertain so that he can protect his own profit by raising the price when the market brisk, or even, the prevarication is only the excuse for adjusting the price on his own initiative.
  c. Declaring the Attitude
  The third type is the most complex one concerning the broadest range, because the attitude being declared may range from of self- ability to of other's figure. Vagueness can modify the weightiness of the information given or the addressor's attitude of the information; then minimize the addressor's responsibility for the propositions expressed.For instance:
  (11) A: I will give you our provisional reply on the point now. We are able to agree to your proposal subject to various conditions.
  B: Noted.
  More examples:
  (12)' s a quality item, and should be sold on its value.
  B: Well, we have paid attention to your latest request for a 6 % reduction in our price and I will put the matter before my manager for consideration tonight.
  No definite notion concerning the words "attention" and "consideration" share in mind of both addressor and addressee. Initiative place is possessing by B for the unclear attitude leaving the space for advance and retreat.
  What is more,the addressor deliberately hides the information he or she possesses, probably with a kind of attitude to someone or something sometimes, and very often this kind of attitude is not friendly, even flouting. The following example can illustrate this point:
  (13) I know David whatsisname, he is a whatnot car salesman.
  The addressee can perceive that the addressor isn't willing to mention the name of the man he is talking about which proves a pejorative attitude has been held by the addressor of the man who is named David or some other names.
  To sum up, in these cases, addressors provide less information than addressees' need for self- protection. Obviously, their withholding of information is a violation of the maxim of quantity, yet it is appropriate and necessary in certain situations.
  1.3 Improving the Appropriateness
  The third pragmatic effect of vagueness is improving the appropriateness by polite expression. Politeness is a universal phenomenon, it's the symbol of human civilization, and it can thus be seen as one of the basic social guidelines of human activities. Since precise language may sometimes bring about bad even awful stimulation to the addressees, addressors tend to employ vague language to protect the addressee's public self-image, or self-esteem, that is, to save the addressee's face in order to avoid "threatening face". The experts of business writing hold that one of the golden principles for writing business letters is the addresser should be polite. In the present study, politeness is of equal importance in business negotiation. So as Channel (2000) states that vagueness is used as one way of adhering to the politeness rules for a particular culture, and of not threatening face. The tactful use of vague language tactfully shows that the addressors are abiding by the politeness principle actively for not only imparting their primary message but also the message of their intention to be polite, all of which are due to the addressors' consideration for the addressees. The speech acts threatening the addressee's faces are of large number that can hardly been analyzed one by one, so some of them present frequently will be discussed as representative.
  The first group of examples are complains.
  In general, linguistic hedges are very often used, such as "probably", "presumably", "I'm afraid", "I think", "it seemed that", "according to one's estimates", "something like that". For example:
  (14) A: It appears that we have not yet had your reply.
  B: Oh, I am sorry but......
  Questioning closely will cause the embarrassment of the listener undoubtedly, for this reason;vagueness should be adopted to soften the attack on the face of addressee.
  (15) A: It appears that our sale is not very satisfying.
  B: I may be mistaken, but isn't a fact that the market for this product is promising showed by the statistics?
  In this section, A uses "appears" out of politeness first to modify his complain about the poor condition of sale. Then, B retorts by using vague expression of "may be mistaken". The fact of statistics for proving is stated indirectly by using the hedge "maybe" and express the euphemistic disagreement in order to saving face of the complainer.
  One of the speech acts threaten the addressee's face is refusal as mentioned above. How does negotiators politely express their refusal by vagueness is demonstrated by the second group of examples as follows:
  (16) We would like to agree, but only one year would be too hasty to judge our sales.
  The addressor talks in a roundabout way as: "We would like to agree, but. . . " to avoid the influence on the emotion of the addressee. In this way, keys for the cooperation between two sides are given to the opposite. So the refusal does not damage the face of the addressee but protect the feasibility of further meeting on the base of the modification performed by the opposite side.
  (17) A: We need one more week.
  B: There is little possibility for us to keep the goods for you if you can't confirm your acceptance immediately.
  Absolution will easily draw the conversation into deadlock. To avoid blocking up the leeway, B employs the adjusted adjective "little" instead of "no", thus protects the deal as well as himself.
  The type of next two cases is vagueness in implicature. In vagueness of this type, there is no apparent vague symbol like hedge or vague additive but vague connotation implicated.
  (18) A: The market has shown disturbing features of an indefinite nature.
  B: We are striving for a brighter future.
  After A's words,receiving this information may bring the addressee more vagueness on his opinions about the present market. What can be assured is that the addressor is searching for excuse to break off the deputizing relation with B politely. Finally, the connotation will be comprehended by B without losing much face.
  Sometimes, delaying to arrive at an agreement is virtually a refusal.
  (19) A: I do not quite follow you. I thought the obligation were equitable.
  B: ...Under these circumstances, we had better discuss the matter when opportunity arises.
  Here, B defers the meeting to an indefinite future. The expression of "under the circumstances" is lack of specification so that properly lighten the threat to the addressee's face. B's real intention is "we had better stop discussing right now" and also, "when opportunity arises" is a vague promise with the benefit to both the addressor and the addressee.
  Furthermore, request can also be vague and polite.
  (20) It is our practice when we open new accounts to obtain at least two trade references.
  What is content of "our practice"? Even whether it exists or not will never be known by the addressee for the so-called "practice" is merely an excuse to avoid offence. In this utterance, vagueness is of the first type according to Kempson's categorization, i.e. lack of specification.
  1.4 Using Language Persuasively
  As Channel (2000) summarizes, one of the purposes of using vague language is to use language persuasively. The tactful utilization of vague language can lessen the strength of imposition, so that the utterances will sound more acceptable. Vague language can make the statements more objective, enlarge the information range of the expression, broaden the room for human imagination and make sentences more acceptable for the addressee and thus increase their chances of ratification. On the contrary, if the addressor insists to utter those connotations which the addressee can comprehend through slight effort, there are three limitations at least:a.increase cost of words as well as the devotion; b. bring boring and unappealing words; c. bring ambiguity in other aspects.
  In certain business circumstances, gentle tone sounds pithier. The following examples of vagueness are about degree:
  (21) In general, our quotation is in compliance with the present market level.
  In this example, hedge "in general" works the same effect as "generally speaking". The vagueness exists in the degree, range and limit of two phrases.
  (22) I'm sure you will find our price most favorable. In the latest two months, prices for artificial latex have gone up tremendously. You can go to investigate the quoted price given by others.However, our prices haven't changed much.
  Self-valuation is decorated by vague language and the compelling power is enhanced by the hiding words. How much does the price of the artificial latex increase? What does the addressor mean by "tremendously "? Still, what does "haven't changed much" mean? Not stating the number clearly may sometimes bring more clear thoughts into addressee's mind.
  (23) As one of our most respected customers, West Hill takes great pleasure in inviting them to our annual winter sale which will take place from 10 to 28 May at our showroom in Ward Street.
  The vague adverb and adjective "most", "great" are quite persuasive for the tone of the language. The addresser does not express his idea of inviting the addressee to the annual winter sale directly, but adopts vague words to express his intention. The difference is that these vague words have some positive influence on the addressee's response.
  Here is a complex one:
  (24) A: No doubt, yours is of high quality, but still there is keen competition.
  B: So far our commodities have stood the competition well.
  A: But I'm afraid we'll have a hard time convincing our clients at your price.
  B: To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we wouldn't consider making you a firm offer at this price.
  The italic words above,"of a high quality", can be classified into the indeterminacy of meaning, there is not a clear definition for the adjective "high" in this context. B uses vague expression to imply that they will not lower the price. What comes next is that A implicitly refuses to accept B's quotation. "Have a hard time" implies that it is rather difficult to make a deal, to be frank, it is impossible. At last, B's seemingly frank reply broadens the implicature of utterances and thus makes the information more convincing.
  (25) In respect to the price we quoted last week, if you can improve the quantity to a much bigger one, say several thousand sets for each item, we are glad to give you some discount.
  Another good example shows hedges used in the bargain to create flexible utterance and appealing conditions by "a much bigger one", "several thousand sets" and "some discount".
  Then, the followingexampleconvey the vagueness by use of specific verbs.
  (26) Many forecasts assume that if some electronic product can be made technologically, it will come into the market when it can be done economically.
  Vagueness in 26 is typical of the implicature type. The addressor uses the vague word "assume" first and temporally infer and uncertainly estimate the market by "if some electronic product can he made technologically" so that the addressee may more easily be persuaded.
  To sum up, the study of above examples show that vagueness is used in the way which favors the argument of the author, but still conforms to the convention of truthfulness in presentation of information. The check on how far an addressor may go in being persuasive is an example of the realization of Grice's maxim of quality "do not say what you believe to be false" and "do not say that for which you lack sufficient evidence" (Grice, 1975:46)
  1.5 Creating a Harmonious Atmosphere
  a. Create a Friendly Atmosphere
  Involved in the interest-oriented activity of commercial negotiation, both of the two parties usually pursue a harmonious and agreeable negotiating environment in order to avoid losing any chances of gaining profits. Therefore, vague language is chosen to mitigate the potential conflict, create an easy atmosphere and build a close relationship between the participants. In the following examples, various forms of vagueness which function as the atmosphere lube will be presented. The forth function of vagueness in Business English is in a much broader sense. The relational goals, as to the success of business and the cooperation in the future, anyhow, will not be included in the present study since they are of economic aspect.
  (27) A: To be frank, $78 is a fairly high price for your materials, and I am afraid it is hard for me to make it higher.
  B: I can understand that and I hope we have more chances to sit here later in future.
  In this example, both sides are striving for a harmonious atmosphere. A uses "fairly high" and "I am afraid" to soften the impact bringing by his complain about the high price. Then, to indirectly express the refusal of lowering the price, B leaves enough space for cooperation with each other in the future by saying "have more chance to sit here."
  (28) A: It appears that you are not going to give us a reply today, but we definitely need an answer and we do not have much time to wait for it.
  B:well,I have to contact with my boss.
  In this one, after the indirect request for the definite answer given by A, B adopts the strategy to procrastinate the date by giving an excuse of having to contact with his boss.
  (29) A: Do you agree on these items?
  B: I am not objecting to inserting a clause similar to item Y, but to some of the stringent restrictions imposed on us.
  How can the addressee tactfully express his disagreement? The vague reply providing by B sets a good model for the negotiators.
  (30)Unfortunately, such data is simply not available. We also would like to have it, if it were.
  This addresser states humorously the lacking of the data and also expresses the same willingness to have the data, which sounds frankly.
  (31) Please do not take me in the wrong way. I know you did not mean it to be, but the report at first sight looked so harsh.
  This example is a typical one to demonstrate how vagueness can help to achieve the harmony. First, the addresser emphasizes the importance of understanding, at the same time, leaves the space for himself beforehand. Then, he actively searches an excuse for the opposite so as to save the negative face of the addressee. At last, he states his real intention that it is necessary for the addresser to modify his report.
  b. Aesthetic Effect
  Vagueness may add variety to the expression to refurbish, i.e., make a speech more interesting and vivid or to improve the quality of business communication. The study of vague linguistics not only extends greatly the area of linguistics but also influence aestheticism. People little think that the words they use and the communication they are engaged in need to bring about much aesthetic effects. However, no one could deny the importance of vagueness creating an ease and harmonious atmosphere that others would enjoy talking with us. Thus we could achieve our goals in business not only successfully but also aesthetically.
  The following dialogue can serve as an example:
  (32) Mortage banks will hire people like Spanish- speaking entrepresents to find out who is a good credit risk in the pooper communities.
  When it is unavoidable to state bold information, the addressor can use the vagueness to keep away from the embarrassment caused by directness.
  In the following example, the positive face of A is saved to a certain extent, although B has stated his different opinion.
  (33) A: I think Smith is a good businessman.
  B: Good? He could sell sand to Saudi Arabia.
  2.Negative Effects
  In the last part,it is necessary to push the study further so that the content of the topic would be comprehensive and sufficient. The business language is closely related to the business profit,so the clear expression is crucial of all times. This is not waving the base of necessity of vagueness. The point here is to call the attention of the business participants on discerning the correct occasion to use vagueness rather than fuzzifing the expression at will. The base line of proper vagueness is no engendering of deflective meanings.
  (34) As to the steamers sailing from Da lian to Hawaii, we have bimonthly direct services.
  There are steamers from Da lian to Hawaii,but what does the addressor intend to convey by "bimonthly"and also how does the addressee input and comprehend this modifier? No one can make sure that the steamer will have two direct sailings every month or have semimonthly direct or have a direct sailing every two months. The negative effects here must lead to the further mistakes, a restatement at least.
  (35) We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday.
  Considering the time difference around the world, the vagueness is one of the importances which need additional attention of the negotiators. The statement in the example tends to cause the misunderstanding about the exact time. So, if it is changed into words like: We confirm our telex of Feb. 21, 2008, there would be no confusion.
  Additionally,excessive vagueness will leave opposite part the impression of no sincerity to cooperate, which will damage their desire to continue the negotiation,even the whole deal.
  In a word, the appropriate use of vagueness in English for business negotiation should be determined by the context. Some are in demand of vague language, while, some need accuracy. Only moderate adaptation of vagueness will accelerate the development of Business English and the business itself as well.
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摘 要:文章介绍了小型软件项目风险管理的一般过程,讨论了各过程的作用及常用方法,从而有效的控制小型软件项目的风险。  关键词:软件项目;风险管理    软件项目开发的本身具有创造性,但在软件开发的过程中,不是每件事都是按照计划进行,尤其是由士官学校教研室等开发的项目,参与人员大多为非专业软件开发人士,很有可能出现预想不到的事情而使项目脱离正轨,甚至有可能出现背道而驰的现象,导致项目的失败,所以在项
摘要:欧盟的在一体化的过程中遭遇了巨大的翻译成本和翻译人员不足的问题,为此欧盟开展了机器翻译系统开发计划和共同体外语教学推广计划。欧盟的计划不但解决了翻译问题,也促进了欧盟公民的社会参与意识。  关键词:欧盟;翻译;计划;分析    一、欧盟的翻译问题    至2007年1月1日,欧盟完成第六次东扩,将罗马尼亚和保加利亚两国吸收成为欧洲联盟成员后,西里尔字母成为继拉丁字母和希腊字母后第三种被欧盟采
摘 要:传统心理学中有动物人性,机器人性以及人是人的三种人性形态,动物人性形态表现在行为主义和精神分析形态的心理学中,机器人性形态则表现在行为主义的心理学思想中,人是人的人性形态则表现在人本主义的心理学思想中。传统心理学中的这三种人性形态表明人性的多重性,从而预示了某一特定的闭合的方法论在心理学研究中是行不通的。  关键词:人性;行为主义;精神分析;人本主义    纵观人类的思想史,对人的回答,思