Stabilization of estimated glomerular filtration rate in kidney transplantation from deceased donors

来源 :World Journal of Transplantation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdz429
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AIM To evaluate and compare the outcomes of kidney transplant(KT) from deceased donors among standard criteria, acute kidney injury(AKI) and expanded criteria donors(ECDs). METHODS This retrospective study included 111 deceased donor kidney transplant recipients(DDKT). Deceased donors were classified as standard criteria donor(SCD), AKI donor and ECD. AKI was diagnosed and classified based on change of serum Cr by acute kidney injury network(AKIN) criteria. Primary outcome was one-year estimated glomerular filtration rate(eG FR) calculated from Cr by CKD-EPI. Multivariate regression analysis was done by adjusting factors such as type of DDKT, %Panel-reactive antibodies, cold ischemic time, the presence of delayed graft function and the use of induction therapy. Significantfactors that can affect the primary outcomes were then identified. RESULTS ECD group had a significantly lower eG FR at one year(33.9 ± 17.3 mL /min) when compared with AKI group(56.6 ± 23.9) and SCD group(63.6 ± 19.9)(P < 0.001). For AKI group, one-year eG FR was also indifferent among AKIN stage 1, 2 or 3. Patients with AKIN stage 3 had progressive increase of eG FR from 49.6 ± 27.2 at discharge to 61.9 ± 29.0 mL /min at one year. From Kaplan-Meier analysis, AKI donor showed better two-year graft survival than ECD(100% vs 88.5%, P = 0.006). Interestingly, AKI group had a stable eG FR at one and two year. The two-year eG FR of AKI group was not significantly different from SCD group(56.6 ± 24.5 mL /min vs 58.6 ± 23.2 mL /min, P = 0.65). CONCLUSION Kidney transplantations from deceased donors with variable stage of acute kidney injuries were associated with favorable two-year allograft function. The outcomes were comparable with KT from SCD. This information supports the option that deceased donors with AKI are an important source of organ for kidney transplantation even in the presence of stage 3 AKI. AIM To evaluate and compare the outcomes of kidney transplant (KT) from deceased donors among standard criteria, acute kidney injury (AKI) and expanded criteria donors (ECDs). METHODS This retrospective study included 111 deceased donors kidney transplant recipients (DDKT). Deceased AKI was diagnosed and classified based on change of serum Cr by acute kidney injury network (AKIN) criteria. Primary outcome was one-year estimated glomerular filtration rate (eG FR ) calculated from Cr by CKD-EPI. Multivariate regression analysis was done by adjusting factors such as type of DDKT,% Panel-reactive antibodies, cold ischemic time, the presence of delayed graft function and the use of induction therapy. Significantfactors that can affect RESULTS The ECD group had a significantly lower eG FR at one year (33.9 ± 17.3 mL / min) when compared with the AKI group (56.6 ± 23.9) and the SCD group (63.6 ± 1 9.9) (P <0.001). For AKI group, one-year eG FR was also indifferent among AKIN stages 1, 2 or 3. Patients with AKIN stage 3 had progressive increase of eG FR from 49.6 ± 27.2 at discharge to 61.9 ± 29.0 From Kaplan-Meier analysis, AKI donor showed better two-year graft survival than ECD (100% vs 88.5%, P = 0.006). Interestingly, AKI group had a stable eG FR at one and two year . The two-year eG FR of AKI group was not significantly different from SCD group (56.6 ± 24.5 mL / min vs 58.6 ± 23.2 mL / min, P = 0.65). CONCLUSION Kidney transplantations from deceased donors with variable stage of acute kidney injuries The findings were comparable with KT from SCD. This information supports the option that deceased donors with AKI are an important source of organ for kidney transplantation even in the presence of stage 3 AKI.
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