A Mechanism Supporting the Client/Server Relationship in the Operating System of Distributed System

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sturdy13
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This paper presents a distributed operating system modeled as an abstract machine that provides allthe distributed processes with the same set of services.The kernel of our operating system supports ser-vices which are achieved by a remote procedure call on requests by parallel processes.Therefore,ascheme for solving the client-server relationship is required.In our system there are more than one cli-ents and,at least,a receive would he required for each.Similarly,there are more than one serverssuch that the send in a client should produce a message that can he received by every server.Consequently,a mechanism well suited for programming multiple-clients/single-server and sin-gle client/multiple-servers interactions is proposed. This paper presents a distributed operating system modeled as an abstract machine that provides all the distributed processes with the same set of services. The kernel of our operating system supports ser-vices which are achieved by a remote procedure call on requests by parallel processes. Herefore, ascheme for solving the client-server relationship is required. In our system there are more than one cli-ents and, at least, a receive would he required for each.Similarly, there are more than one serverssuch that the send in a client should produce a message that can he received by every server. Reconstructed, a mechanism well suited for programming multiple-clients / single-server and sin-gle client / multiple-server interactions is proposed.
1 病例介绍患儿男性 ,12岁 ,因憋喘 ,咽痛 4d急入院。患儿于 4d前口含苍耳子玩耍 ,突然引起呛咳 ,咽痛 ,随即吃食物想把苍耳子咽下 ,但咽痛不减、声嘶渐至音哑、憋喘、尚能进
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