睡懒觉!看大海!赚大钱! 变年轻!(英文)

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After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reaeh the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream Scientists After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day The rest that you get while sleeping enabling enables your body to prepare itself After day reaeh the fourth level, your body Shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other. when your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream Scientists
作为人,我们活着,活在这个世界上。于是有的人认为我们拥有这个世界,但我们当中的智者也说过:一粒种子亦是一个世界。 As human beings, we live and live in this world. S
人生一世,有时要面对名誉、追捧、成功、光明,有时却要面对羞辱、重压、折磨、黑暗,请以“承受”为话题作文。要求:体裁不限,题目自拟,字数800字左右。 In life, sometimes
人生是不断行走的,只是我们都过于忙碌,没有时间 回头张望。其实,是过去的一步步堆积出了我们的现在和 未来。 这个道理是我上初三时才明白的。 那天,当大家又在化学课上面对