Tufting Carpet Machine Information Model Based on Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control U

来源 :东华大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXYCHENLI
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In view of the lack of research on the information model of tufting carpet machine in China,an information modeling method based on Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control Unified Architecture(OPC UA)framework was proposed to solve the problem of“information island”caused by the differentiated data interface between heterogeneous equipment and system in tufting carpet machine workshop.This paper established an information model of tufting carpet machine based on analyzing the system architecture,workshop equipment composition and information flow of the workshop,combined with the OPC UA information modeling specification.Subsequently,the OPC UA protocol is used to instantiate and map the information model,and the OPC UA server is developed.Finally,the practicability of tufting carpet machine information model under the OPC UA framework and the feasibility of realizing the information interconnection of heterogeneous devices in the tufting carpet machine digital workshop are verified.On this basis,the cloud and remote access to the underlying device data are realized.The application of this information model and information integration scheme in actual production explores and practices the application of OPC UA technology in the digital workshop of tufting carpet machine.
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