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We design a compact triplexer based on two-dimensional (2D) hexagonal lattice photonic crystals (PCs). A folded directional coupler (FDC) is introduced in the triplexer beside the point-defect micro-cavities and line-defect waveguides. Because of the reflection feedback of the FDC, high channel drop efficiency can be realized and a compact size with the order of micrometers can be maintained. The proposed device is analyzed using the plane wave expansion method, and its transmission characteristics are calculated using the finite-difference time-domain method. The footprint of the triplexer is about 12×9 μm, and its extinction ratios are less than –20 dB for 1310 nm, approximately –20 dB for 1490 nm, and under –40 dB for 1550 nm, making it a potentially essential device in future fiber-to-the-home networks.
相移数字全息图用传统数字再现可以消除零级像与共轭像, 但数字全息术记录的全息图及数字再现像的分辨率被CCD的分辨率所限制。将新兴的压缩感知算法用于数字全息图的稀疏重建, 以实现由部分全息图数据得到高分辨率再现像。分析了压缩感知用于重建数字相移全息图的原理, 并利用该算法对计算机模拟的相移全息图进行了重建。结果表明, 压缩感知算法能够对数字全息图稀疏重建, 利用50%的部分全息图数据重建出了较高质量的再现像, 并消除了零级像和共轭像。当选用合适的观测器如数字微反射镜器件或随机位相片实现随机观测矩阵时, 可以
A compact monolithic Nd:YAG non-planar ring laser with diffusion-bonded Cr4 :YAG is demonstrated, and high stable pulsed single-frequency laser at 1.06 \mu m is realized. Theoretical analysis and simulation results of pulsed laser parameters are illustra
为了实现对热液甲烷浓度、温度和压强信息的实时、长期探测,提出一种新颖的光学被动成像干涉系统(Optical Passive Imaging Interference System,OPIIS),并建立了该系统的正演模型和反演模型。首先利用IDL语言建立了包括深海气体辐射模型、海水传输模型和仪器响应模型的OPIIS正演模型,并模拟其正演干涉图。正演干涉图信噪比总体处于50~70,浓度探测灵敏度为0.
We present, to the best of our knowledge, the first implementation of full-field quantum optical coherence tomography (FF-QOCT). In our system, we are able to obtain full three-dimensional (3D) information about the internal structure of a sample under st
针对空心单模Bragg光纤在1.55μm附近表现出非常大的正色散, 研究了包层缺陷层对空心单模Bragg光纤色散的调节作用。利用光学软件FDTD Solutions对缺陷层空心单模Bragg光纤的模式耦合特性进行分析;对比分析普通空心单模Bragg光纤和缺陷层空心单模Bragg光纤的色散曲线;讨论了包层缺陷层结构参数对空心单模Bragg光纤的色散调节作用。