Southeastern extension of the Red River fault zone (RRFZ) and its tectonic evolution significance in

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoulin
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Recent geophysical surveys and basin modeling suggest that the No.1 fault in the Ying- gehai basin (YGHB) is the seaward elongation of the Red River fault zone (RRFZ) in the South China Sea (SCS). The RRFZ, which separates the South China and Indochina block, extends first along the Yuedong fault, offshore of Vietnam, and then continues southward and breaks off into two branches: the Lupar fault and the Tinjia fault. The southern extension of the Lupar fault dies out beneath the NW Borneo while the Tinjia fault extends southeast and reaches the Brunei-Sabah area. According to the gravity and geomagnetic data, and the tectonic evolution of the basins, there are different evolution histories between the Wan’an basin (WAB) and the basins in the Nansha block. The Tinjia fault may be the boundary between the Balingian block and the Nansha block. Hence, the line linking the Yue- dong fault and the Tinjia fault, which both are continental margin faults and strike-slip ones in the geological evolution histories, constitute the boundary between the Indochina and Nansha block. The Lupar fault, in contrast, is an intraplate fault within the Indochina block. The results provide new hints for reconstructing the tectonic evolution history of the RRFZ and the opening of the SCS, and also a framework for hydrocarbon prospecting in the region. Recent geophysical surveys and basin modeling suggest that the No.1 fault in the Ying- gehai basin (YGHB) is the seaward elongation of the Red River fault zone (RRFZ) in the South China Sea (SCS). The RRFZ, which separates the South China and Indochina block, extends first along the Yuedong fault, offshore of Vietnam, and then continues southward and breaks off into two branches: the Lupar fault and the Tinjia fault. The southern extension of the Lupar fault dies out beneath the NW Borneo while the Tinjia fault extends southeast and reaches the Brunei-Sabah area. According to the gravity and geomagnetic data, and the tectonic evolution of the basins, there are different evolution histories between the Wan’an basin (WAB) and the basins in the Nansha block . The Tinjia fault may be the boundary between the Balingian block and the Nansha block. Therefore, the line linking the Yue- dong fault and the Tinjia fault, which both are continental margin faults and strike-slip ones in the geological evolution histories, constitute the boundary between the Indochina and Nansha block. The Lupar fault, in contrast, is an intraplate fault within the Indochina block. The results provide new hints for reconstructing the tectonic evolution history of the tectonic evolution history of the RRFZ and the opening of the SCS, and also a framework for hydrocarbon prospecting in the region.
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