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目的为切实做好妇女保健工作,掌握和了解我区育龄妇女生殖健康状况及妇科常见病的患病情况,进一步提高全区广大妇女的健康水平。方法 2011年第四季度对潍城区城镇育龄妇女和农村育龄妇女进行生殖健康普查,主要采用妇科检查、B超检查、乳腺检查、白带常规和宫颈涂片检查等方法。结果应普查人数48876例,实普查人数38 923例,其中患有各种妇女疾病7227例,总患病率18.57%。根据其发病顺位依次为乳腺疾病、宫颈疾病、阴道疾病。结论妇女病普查是妇保工作的重要内容。每年一次的生殖健康普查普治,对早发现、早治疗各类妇科疾病,提高妇女健康水平有极其重要的意义。加强健康教育,提高广大妇女的自我保健意识,是提高妇女病普查普治率的重要措施,完善规范检查项目是提高普查质量的关键。 Objective To earnestly do a good job in women’s health care, grasp and understand the reproductive health status of women of childbearing age in our district and the prevalence of gynecological common diseases, and further improve the health level of the vast majority of women in the region. Methods In the fourth quarter of 2011, reproductive health surveys were conducted in urban women of reproductive age and rural women of reproductive age in Weicheng District. Gynecological examination, B-ultrasound, breast examination, leucorrhea routine and cervical smear were performed. Results The number of census should be 48,876 cases, the actual number of census 38 923 cases, of which 7227 cases of various diseases of women, the total prevalence rate of 18.57%. According to the order of their incidence of breast disease, cervical disease, vaginal diseases. Conclusion The survey of women’s disease is an important part of women’s health insurance work. The annual general survey of reproductive health Census, early detection and early treatment of various types of gynecological diseases, improve the level of women’s health is extremely important. Strengthening health education and raising women’s awareness of self-care are important measures to improve the rate of general survey of women’s disease. Perfecting and standardizing inspection programs is the key to improving the quality of censuses.
2009年,是柳钢生产经营异常艰难、极为不易的一年,也是砥砺奋进、经受考验的一年。面对前所未有的困难和挑战,柳钢党校在公司党委的正确领导 In 2009, it was an extremely
The kinds and the distribution of the coal in China areinvestigated in this paper. The results indicated that the 80% coalin China is used by the method of the
傅厚刚,曾任江苏省徐州市物资局局长,徐州物资(集团)总公司总经理、党委书记,因受贿、侵吞公款,2004年被依法判处有期徒刑18年。狱中,他这样反思自己的人生路—— Fu Gangan